Working with young people: A national study of youth work provision and policy in contemporary Ireland

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Working with young people: A national study of youth work provision and policy in contemporary Ireland

This study provides a context to the provision and policy of Irish youth work. It identified that over 43,000 young people participated in youth work groups across Ireland.


Author: F. Powell, M. Geoghegan, M. Scanlon, and K. Swirak

Publisher: Institute for Social Science, University College Cork

Date: 2010

Geographic Coverage: Ireland

Type of Resource: Methodology

Sector/setting: Recreation

Vulnerable groups: Children general

Developed with children and young people? Yes

Type of participation: Consultation with children (e.g. surveys, consultative events or workshops)

Availability: Restricted Access

Keywords: Cultures, Free time, Funding, Integrated, Ireland, Lifestyle, Male, Multicultural, Policy, Supports, Young People, Youth cafés, Youth Programmes, Youth Work



This study provides a context to the provision and policy of Irish youth work. It identified that over 43,000 young people participated in youth work groups across Ireland.