Hub na nÓg supports children and young people’s participation in decision-making by supporting government departments/agencies and state bodies and non-statutory organisations through the targeted provision of training and development
Training Overview
The training provided encompasses theoretical learning, planning skills, and practical skills, centred on a child rights approach to involving children and young people in decision-making in line with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and measures in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) regarding the voice of the child. Our training supports organisations to involve children and young people in decision-making in all aspects of their policy, planning, practice, services, and culture.
How to Request Training Support:
- Government Departments/Agencies and State Bodies: Direct application to Hub na nÓg via email at Please provide full details of the Government Department/Agency, or State Body you are representing and we will arrange a meeting with you to discuss further details.
- Non-statutory Organisations: Applications may be made through the Capacity Building Grant only. View the full list of 2021 grantees by clicking here.
- For all other enquiries, please contact

Training Delivery
Hub na nÓg training and development is comprised of theoretical, planning, practice, and guidance sessions
All Hub na nÓg training programmes include 2 core theoretical sessions:
- National and International Child Rights Obligations With Reference to the Voice of the Child.
- A presentation tailored to the needs and child rights obligations of the client organisation.
- A training task that requires participants to demonstrate their ability to describe the child rights obligations of their organisation in giving children and young people in decision-making.
- The National Participation Framework:
- A presentation tailored to the needs of the client organisation, which outlines the Lundy Model and the National Participation Framework.
- A training task that requires participants to use the Framework guidance and Planning Checklist to start the process of developing a plan on how they will adopt a rights-based approach to involving children and young people in decision-making in a specific project/s being undertaken by the organisation.

All Hub na nÓg training programmes include practice sessions that require participants to demonstrate their ability to use best practice and age-appropriate methods to seek the views of children and young people.
Individual training programmes are tailored to the role, responsibilities, and needs of client organisations and to how ready they are to involve children and/or young people in decision making.
Watch a video on some of the participation methods used to seek the views of children and young people.

Guidance sessions are conducted on:
- The importance of conducting evaluation of all child and youth participation initiatives. A number of simple child-friendly evaluation tools are included in training manuals, where appropriate.
- The importance of providing feedback to children and young people, with examples of good practice.
- The appropriate use of the National Participation Framework checklists and child/youth feedback forms.

Hub na nÓg offers dedicated time and space for follow-up coaching and mentoring to organisations and individuals who have attended preliminary training. This support is delivered in the following ways:
- Co-design (between the client organisation and the Hub) of methodologies to conduct consultations, work on specific projects with advisory groups, or improve existing approaches to seeking the views of children and/or young people.
- Practice workshops to coach client organisations and individuals in developing the skills to use co-designed methodologies or Hub na nÓg methodologies.
- Sharing existing Hub na nÓg and other good practice tools.
- Developing good practice tools with client organisations.
- Providing face-to-face, telephone, and email support and guidance.