‘A school for children with rights’ UNICEF Innocenti Lecture
Recorded 21st July 2016
Author: T. Hammerberg
Publisher: UNICEF
Date: 1997
Geographic Coverage: International
Type of Resource: Research (Non-Governmental Organisation)
Sector/setting: Education and schooling
Vulnerable groups: Children general
Developed with children and young people? Yes
Type of participation: Child-led participation (e.g. child-initiated peer research projects or events)
Availability: Open Access
Keywords: Article 28, Article 29, Content, Convention on the Rights of the Child, Education, Equal Opportunities, Guiding Principles, Methods of Learning, Mutual Respect, Policy, Positive Values, Progressive Reform, Pupil P, Rights, United Nations, Universal Access
This lecture examines the significance of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child for modern education policy. Articles 28 and 29 of the Convention, which aims pertain to education rights, are analysed against the four guiding principles.