Adolescent Friendly Quality Assessment Tools [AFQuATs]

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Adolescent Friendly Quality Assessment Tools [AFQuATs]

Recorded in July 2016

Adolescent Friendly Quality Assessment Tools [AFQuATs]


Author: HSE

Publisher: Programme of Action for Children (PAC), Health Service Executive

Date: 2006

Geographic Coverage: Not location-specific

Type of Resource: Methodology

Sector/setting: Health

Vulnerable groups: Children general

Developed with children and young people? Not Specified

Type of participation: Collaboration with children (e.g. action research, shared planning or decision making with adults)

Availability: Open Access

Keywords: Achievable, Adolescent, Quality Assessment, Quality Standards, Reviewing Services, Services, Tools Health Service Providers, Young People



The Adolescent Friendly Quality Assessment Tools [AFQuATs] are designed to provide a method for health service providers and planners to assess the quality of services for young people in relation to adolescent friendly quality standards.