Barnardos Glór na nÓg Monitoring and Evaluation Report Key Findings

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Barnardos Glór na nÓg Monitoring and Evaluation Report Key Findings

Recorded in 2018

Barnardos, glór na nóg


Author: Kathyan Kelly (Independent Research Consultant)

Publisher: Barnardos

Date: 2018

Geographic Coverage: Ireland

Type of Resource: Report

Sector/setting: Charity

Vulnerable groups: Children

Developed with children and young people? Yes

Type of participation: Workshop With Children

Availability: Open Access

Keywords: Barnardos, Children’s Advocacy, Children’s Voices, Glór na nÓg, Key Findings, Monitoring and Evaluation



The report provides details of the monitoring and evaluation of the Barnardos Glór na nÓg project. This pilot study was intended to inform the basis of an internal policy document on child advocacy within Barnardos as well as allowing the organisation to begin a process of embedding children and young people’s voices in this work.