Listen to them! The challenge of capturing the true voice of young people within early intervention and prevention models; a youth work perspective

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Listen to them! The challenge of capturing the true voice of young people within early intervention and prevention models; a youth work perspective:

Recorded in October 2019

early intervention and prevention models; a youth work perspective


Author: Maria Healya, Leonor Rodriguezb

Publisher: Children and Youth Services Review

Date: 2018

Geographic Coverage: International

Type of Resource: Report

Sector/setting: Government

Vulnerable groups: Children, Young People

Developed with children and young people? Not Specified

Type of participation: Unknown

Availability: Open Access

Keywords: Meitheal, Participation, Voice, Young People, Youth Work



This paper aims to explore the challenges to youth work in capturing the voices of young people in a meaningful way within Meitheal and the Child and Family Support Networks model (Meitheal). This is a prevention and early intervention model for statutory and non-statutory agencies working with children, young people and families.

The study found that youth workers recognise advocacy and support of young people as a key role for their profession within models of prevention and early intervention. Barriers to adolescents’ active engagement in Meitheal were the formal structure and agenda, but also the need to achieve outcomes in exchange of professional validation. Youth workers are also concerned about the nature of young people’s participation as being fully participatory and voluntary in the process, whilst questioning if their voices are truly being included in a meaningful way.