Child-led Research: From Participating in Research to Leading It

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Child-led Research: From Participating in Research to Leading It

Published June 2019


Author: Patricio Cuevas-Parra, E. Kay M. Tisdall

Publisher: UWorld Vision International

Date: 2019

Geographic Coverage: Worldwide

Type of Resource: Report

Sector/setting: Other

Vulnerable groups: Children, Young People

Developed with children and young people? Not specified

Type of participation: Child-led research

Availability: Open access

Keywords: Child, Children, Participation, Refugee, Youth



The report outlines the key findings drawn from an exploratory research on the experiences of Bangladeshi and Syrian refugee children who led their own research and the actions taken based on their findings. The study argues that child-led research provides promising opportunities to engage children and young people in shaping policy and practice, ultimately creating change that led to better lives for them. Furthermore, this report includes an analysis of six child-led research projects carried out by young researchers in Brazil, Chile, Ghana, Romania, Sierra Leone and Sri Lanka. These projects were based largely on learning from this study and knowledge generated by the young researchers in Bangladesh, Lebanon and Jordan. In these six projects, child-led research provided children and young people with new avenues to influence decision-making by using the findings of their own research to put pressure on stakeholders and decision makers regarding issues around violence against children.