Child Participation in Decision Making: Implications for Education and Beyond

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Child Participation in Decision Making: Implications for Education and Beyond

Published November 2023


Author: Francesca Gottschalk, Hannah Borhan

Publisher: OECD

Date: 2023

Geographic Coverage: Worldwide

Type of Resource: Academic Journal

Sector/setting: Education

Vulnerable groups: Children, Young People

Developed with children and young people? No

Type of participation: Research

Availability: Open Access

Keywords: Participation, Decision Making, Voice, Young People, Children, Education, Empowerment



Child empowerment is on the policy agenda of education systems around the world, in particular since the increasing emphasis in policy and research discourse on supporting children’s participation rights. A large body of literature suggests that child participation in making decisions on matters that affect them is not only essential from a child rights perspective, but also that it is associated with several positive outcomes from the individual to societal level. In OECD countries there are many domains in which children can and do actively participate in making decisions, including regarding their education. This paper explores how and where children can participate in decision making, with a focus on policies and practices in OECD education systems. It outlines key considerations for child participation, including barriers that many systems are struggling to overcome.