Daily Life Situations and Participation of Siblings of Children with Childhood-onset Disabilities: A Scoping Review
Published February 2025
Author: Johanna Linimayr, Judith Graser, Selina Gredig, Hubertus J A van Hedel, Anne Tscherter, Sebastian Grunt, Christina Schulze
Publisher: BMJ Group
Date: 2025
Geographic Coverage: Europe
Type of Resource: Academic Journal
Sector/setting: Family, Healthcare
Vulnerable groups: Children
Developed with children and young people? No
Type of participation: N/A
Availability: Open Access
Keywords: Children, Adolescent Health, Caregivers, Child Health, Occupational therapy, Rehabilitation, Siblings
This scoping review aims to summarise current research on the participation of siblings of children with childhood-onset chronic conditions. Following the Joanna Briggs Institute methodology, we systematically searched MEDLINE, CINAHL, AMED, PsycINFO and ERIC for peer-reviewed studies published in English between 2001 and 2024. Eligible studies focused on siblings of children with disabilities or early-onset chronic conditions (population) and their participation, including attendance and involvement in daily activities (concept) across children’s homes, communities and schools (context). The review adheres to the Preferred Reporting Items for Scoping Reviews guidelines.