Deinstitutionalisation and community living of children with disabilities

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Deinstitutionalisation and community living of children with disabilities’

(Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)2 Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 3 February 2010 at the 1076th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies)

Recorded 21st July  2016


Author: Council of Europe

Publisher: Council of Europe

Date: 2010

Geographic Coverage: Europe

Type of Resource: Policy (International, Regional and/or Domestic)

Sector/setting: Care

Vulnerable groups: Children with disabilities

Developed with children and young people? Not specified

Type of participation: N/A

Availability: Open Access

Keywords: Budgeting, Children, Community, Deinstitutionalisation, Disabilities, Recommendations



This recommendation aims to promote the deinstitutionalisation of children with disabilities and their life in the community.