European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, Volume 30, Issue 1 (2022)

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European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, Volume 30, Issue 1 (2022)

Published 2022


Author: Various

Publisher: Taylor and Francis Online

Date: 2022

Geographic Coverage: Worldwide

Type of Resource: Academic Journal

Sector/setting: Research

Vulnerable groups: Children, Young People

Developed with children and young people? Not Specified

Type of participation: Practice (International, Regional and/or Domestic)

Availability: Restricted Access

Keywords: Child, Early years, Research, Voice



Special issue on the theme of eliciting the voice of children from birth to seven:

  • Editorial: ‘Look Who’s Talking: Eliciting the Voice of Children from Birth to Seven’ – Kate Wall & Carol Robinson (pages 1-7)
  • Review Article: ‘Voices of Young Children Aged 3–7 years in Educational Research: An International Systematic Literature Review’ – Angel Urbina-Garcia, Divya Jindal-Snape, Angela Lindsay, Lauren Boath, Elizabeth F. S. Hannah, Alexia Barrable, Anna K. Touloumakos (pages 8-31)
  • Article: ‘Bridging the Theory and Practice of Eliciting the Voices of Young Children: Findings from the ‘Look Who’s Talking’ Project’ – Claire Cassidy, Kate Wall, Carol Robinson, Lorna Arnott, Mhairi Beaton, Elaine Hall (pages 32-47)
  • Article: ‘Young Children’s Assent and Dissent in Research: Agency, Privacy, and Relationships Within Ethical Research Spaces’ – Carmen Huser, Sue Dockett, Bob Perry (pages 48-62)
  • Article: ‘It’s Up to You if You Want to Take Part. Supporting Young Children’s Informed Choice About Research Participation with Simple Visual Booklets’ – Christine O’Farrelly, Mimi Tatlow-Golden (pages 63-80)
  • Article: ‘Do my Words Convey What Children are Saying? Researching School Life with Very Young Children: Dilemmas for ‘Authentic Listening’’ – Noelia Ceballos, Teresa Susinos (pages 81-95)
  • Article: ‘Eliciting Young Children’s ‘Voice’ in Low-income Areas in England: Recognising Their Mutuality of Being’ – Martina Street (pages 96-107)
  • Article: ‘Any Questions? Young Children Questioning in Their Early Childhood Education Settings’ – Jane Murray (pages 108-130)
  • Article: ”Where are the Children’s Voices and Choices in Educational Settings’ Early Reading Policies? A Reflection on Early Reading Provision for Under-threes’ – Karen Boardman (pages 131-146)
  • Article: ‘Preschool Children’s Agency in Education for Sustainability: The Case of Sweden’ – Farhana Borg, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson (pages 147-163)
  • Article: ‘‘Finding a Voice’: Utilising Tronto’s Ethic of Care Framework for Developing Students’ Attentiveness to Voice in a University Module’ – James Reid, Dimitrina Kaneva (pages 164-177)