Focus groups with young people: a participatory approach to research

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Focus groups with young people: a participatory approach to research

Recorded on July 2016

Focus groups with young people


Author: Bagnoli, Anna and Clark Andrew

Publisher: Journal of Youth Studies

Date: 2010

Geographic Coverage: Not location-specific

Type of Resource: Methodology

Sector/setting: Other

Vulnerable groups: Children general

Developed with children and young people? Yes

Type of participation: Consultation with children (e.g. surveys, consultative events or workshops)

Availability: Restricted Access

Keywords: Daily Lives, Focus Groups, Identities, Multi-method, Participant Recruitment, Participatory Approach, Relationships, Research Design, Young People



In this paper we present our experiences of conducting focus groups with young people as part of a participatory approach to research design and participant recruitment.

The research is a prospective, 10-year, qualitative, longitudinal project investigating young people’s daily lives, relationships, and identities, and the ways these change over time. It adopts a multi-method approach in which each participant has a choice about which methods to be involved with.