Guidance for Children and Young People’s Services Committees (CYPSC) on Participation by Children and Young People in Decision Making

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Guidance for Children and Young People’s Services Committees (CYPSC) on Participation by Children and Young People in Decision Making

Published 2018


Author: Children and Young People’s Services Committees (CYPSC)

Publisher: Children and Young People’s Services Committees (CYPSC)

Date: 2018

Geographic Coverage: Europe

Type of Resource: Publication

Sector/setting: Other

Vulnerable groups: Young people, Children

Developed with children and young people? Not specified

Type of participation: Participation by Children

Availability: Open Access

Keywords: Children’s Participation, CYPSC, Decision-making, Participation, Tusla, Young People’s Participation



The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to CYPSC informed by the current policy context and to provide a series of practical steps in engaging children and young people in decision making.