Author: Department of Health
Publisher: Comhairle Na Nóg
Date: 2017
Geographic Coverage: Ireland
Type of Resource: Report
Sector/setting: Government
Vulnerable groups: Children, Young People
Developed with children and young people? Yes
Type of participation: Consultations With Children
Availability: Open Access
Keywords: Health, Wellbeing, Healthy Lifestyle, Young People
This consultation was one of two consultations with children and young people from all around Ireland on the theme ‘Healthy lifestyles: Have your say’. The purpose of the consultations is to get the views of children and young people about things that help a healthy lifestyle and the things that prevent a healthy lifestyle. The views of participants will contribute to a National Strategy which is being prepared by the Department of Health under the Healthy Ireland framework. Healthy Ireland is our national framework for action to improve the health and well-being of the people of Ireland. The consultations with children and young people are being conducted by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs in cooperation with the Department of Health.
On the day, the participants discussed in small groups all the things that help with a healthy lifestyle, and all the obstacles to a healthy lifestyle. These are their top ideas and suggestions as to the obstacles and the solutions towards a healthy lifestyle.
This Strategy is being published in the context of major reforms of the health service in its approach to the health and wellbeing of the population. Healthy Ireland – A Framework for Improved Health and Wellbeing 2013–2025 recognises that many factors outside of the healthcare sector influence health. The ability to reach and maintain good health is shaped not only by individual lifestyle factors and genetics, but also by the environment within which we live. The Healthy Ireland Framework aims to address these factors and support the aims of the National Sexual Health Strategy in a wider context.