Including Children’s Voices in a Multiple Stakeholder Study on a Community-wide Approach to Improving Quality in Early Years Setting
Recorded in 2018
Author: Dr Shirley Martin, Lynn Buckley
Publisher: Taylor and Francis Online
Date: 2018
Geographic Coverage: Worldwide
Type of Resource: Article
Sector/setting: Early Years
Vulnerable groups: Children
Developed with children and young people? Yes
Type of participation: Research
Availability: Restricted Access
Keywords: Early intervention, Participatory research with children, Photo, Voice
This article will explore the use of visual participatory research methods with young children. These methods have been utilized to add young children’s voices to research on the impact of a quality improvement strategy in an early years’ settings involved in a community-based prevention and early intervention programme.
Children were offered the opportunity to share their views with the researchers through a variety of participatory rights-based approaches including drawing, photo-elicitation, photography, and conversations. Adding children’s voices to the programme evaluation can help us to understand children’s experiences and produces better policy and better services and also to interrogate the adult-centric quantitative data and adult perspectives generated in the ongoing project evaluation.