Independent Institutions Protecting Children’s Rights UNICEF Innocenti Digest No. 8

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Independent Institutions Protecting Children’s Rights UNICEF Innocenti Digest No. 8

Recorded 21st July 2016

Protecting Children's rights


Author: Gerison Lansdown

Publisher: UNICEF

Date: 2001

Geographic Coverage: International

Type of Resource: Research (Non-Governmental Organisation)

Sector/setting: Other

Vulnerable groups: N/A

Developed with children and young people? Not Specified

Type of participation: N/A

Availability: Open Access

Keywords: Children’s Rights, Commissioners for Children, Innocenti Digest, Ombudsmen, UNICEF



This issue of the UNICEF Innocenti Digest examines the role and functions of exisiting Ombudsmen and Commissioners for Children and their success in protecting and promoting children’s rights.