The participation of children and young people in care: insights from an analysis of national inspection reports in the Republic of Ireland

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The participation of children and young people in care: insights from an analysis of national inspection reports in the Republic of Ireland:

Recorded in November 2018

participation standards in care


Author: Bernadine Brady, Danielle Kennan, Cormac Forkan, Edel Tierney, Rebecca Jackson & Rowan Holloway

Publisher: Child Care in Practice Volume 25, 2019 – Issue 1

Date: 2018

Geographic Coverage: Ireland

Type of Resource: Report

Sector/setting: Care

Vulnerable groups: Children, Young People

Developed with children and young people? No

Type of participation: Unknown

Availability: Restricted Access

Keywords: Children Care, Participation



This paper outlines findings of a secondary analysis of data in relation to participation standards in HIQA foster care, residential care and special care inspection reports over a two-year period from 2013 to 2015.

The thematic analysis explores the degree to which the reports found that children in care are provided with the opportunity to influence decisions in relation to their everyday lives, to participate in child in care reviews, receive information, avail of advocacy services and have access to a complaints mechanism. While there is much evidence of good practice across all sectors, some notable differences between the realisation of participation standards in residential care and foster care were found.