Children as citizens? International voices: Childwatch International Citizen Study Group

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Children as citizens? International voices: Childwatch International Citizen Study Group

Recorded 21st July 2016


Author: Nicola Taylor and Anne Smith (eds)

Publisher: Otago University Press

Date: 2009

Geographic Coverage: International

Type of Resource: Practice (International, Regional and/or Domestic)

Sector/setting: International

Vulnerable groups: Children general

Developed with children and young people? Not Specified

Type of participation: N/A

Availability: Restricted Access

Keywords: Children, Childwatch, Citizens, Citizenship, Identity, Membership, Responsibilities, Rights, Society, Status



This book, published by Otago University Press, is an account of a Childwatch International collaborative international study about the meaning of citizenship to children – how they view their status and membership in society through notions of identity.