Justifying children and young peoples involvement in social research: Assessing Harm and Benefit.

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Justifying children and young peoples involvement in social research: Assessing Harm and Benefit:

Recorded on in October 2019

Involvement in social research: Assessing Harm and Benefit.


Author: Kennan, Danielle; Dolan, Pat

Publisher: Irish Journal of Sociology, 25(3), 297-314

Date: 2017

Geographic Coverage: Ireland

Type of Resource: Academic

Sector/setting: Government

Vulnerable groups: Children, Young People

Developed with children and young people? No

Type of participation: Unknown

Availability: Open Access

Keywords: Participation, Research Ethics, Risk/Benefit Analysis, Protection



At a time when children and young people’s involvement in research is increasingly the norm, this article reflects on the importance of a well-reasoned and transparent justification for their inclusion or exclusion. It explores the dilemma of a researcher’s ethical obligation to protect children and young people from harm and at the same time respect their autonomy as social actors and independent rights holders to participate in research of relevance to their lives.

The article takes the debate beyond a call for assessing harm and benefit to providing a strategy for conducting such an assessment at the point of research design.