Making Waves: A Cross-study Analysis of Young People’s Participation Arenas in Scotland’s Schools

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Making Waves: A Cross-study Analysis of Young People’s Participation Arenas in Scotland’s Schools

Published 2021


Author: Beth Cross, Greg Mannion, Rachel Shanks

Publisher: Sage Journals

Date: 2021

Geographic Coverage: Scotland

Type of Resource: Academic Journal

Sector/setting: Education

Vulnerable groups: Children, Young People

Developed with children and young people? Not Specified

Type of participation: Research

Availability: Open Access

Keywords: Agential Realism, Decision-making, Participation, Representation, Social Material Critique



This article compares democratic participation research in Scottish schools over a 10-year period. The comparison reveals how ‘organic’ aspects of decision-making arise in arenas of school activity. We argue that research heretofore has focussed on pupil councils to the exclusion of more everyday embedded and embodied choices. Primary researchers in the studies revisited data, drawing on their respective theoretical frameworks, to consider how new materialist perspectives offer ways to attend differently to the recursive, relational dynamics of participation.