Moving Beyond Youth Voice
Recorded 21st July 2016

Author: Joyce Serido, Lynne M. Borden, Daniel F. Perkins
Publisher: Youth & Society
Date: 2009
Geographic Coverage: Not location-specific
Type of Resource: N/A
Sector/setting: N/A
Vulnerable groups: Children, Young People
Developed with children and young people? Not Specified
Type of participation: N/A
Availability: Restricted Access
Keywords: Positive development, Program participation, Supportive relationships, Youth voice, Youth-adult partnership
This study combines research documenting the benefits of positive relationships between youth and caring adults on a young person’s positive development with studies on youth voice to examine the mechanisms through which participation in youth programs contributes to positive developmental outcomes. Specifically, the study explores whether youth’s perceived quality relationships with adults contribute to strengthening of youth voice and in turn how the two combine to affect youth’s perception of the benefits of program participation. The findings derived from survey data regarding 748 youth who participated in youth—adult partnership programs in 29 states suggest that young people who develop positive relationships with adults perceive they have more voice in the program and in turn perceive more benefits to program participation. Implications for research and practice are presented.