Physical Places And Social Spaces For Young Children In Hospital

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Physical Places And Social Spaces For Young Children In Hospital

Published February 2010


Author: Veronica Lambert, Jane Coad, Paula Hicks, Michele Glacken

Publisher: National Paediatric Hospital Project

Date: 2010

Geographic Coverage: Ireland

Type of Resource: Report

Sector/setting: Government

Vulnerable groups: Children

Developed with children and young people? Yes

Type of participation: Collaboration with children (e.g. action research, shared planning or decision making with adults)

Availability: Open Access

Keywords: Children, Hospital Environment, Perspectives, Physically, Recommendations, Socially, Spaces



This report details the findings of a consultation carried out with children aged 5-8 years in hospital. It aimed to explore young children’s perspectives of the physical and social hospital environment to ensure that the physical places and social spaces of the proposed new Children’s Hospital of Ireland would be responsive to their needs.