Picking Up the Pieces: The Rights and Needs of Families Affected by Imprisonment

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Picking Up the Pieces: The Rights and Needs of Families Affected by Imprisonment

Recorded 21st July 2016

The Rights and Needs of Families Affected by Imprisonment


Author: Irish Penal Reform Trust

Publisher: IPRT

Date: 2012

Geographic Coverage: Ireland

Type of Resource: Research (Non-Governmental Organisation)

Sector/setting: Justice

Vulnerable groups: Children of prisoners

Developed with children and young people? Yes

Type of participation: Consultation with children (e.g. surveys, consultative events or workshops)

Availability: Open Access

Keywords: Children, Families, Imprisonment, IPRT, Ireland, Needs, Rights



In this report, IPRT highlights the rights and needs of children and families affected by imprisonment in Ireland.