Participation – Spice it Up! Practical tools for engaging children and young people in planning and consultations:
Recorded in July 2016

Author: Save the Children UK
Publisher: Save the Children UK
Date: 2003
Geographic Coverage: International
Type of Resource: Book
Sector/setting: Government
Vulnerable groups: Children
Developed with children and young people? Not Specified
Type of participation: Documenting Participation
Availability: Restricted Access (for purchase only)
Keywords: Decision-making, Participation, Activities, Games, Manual
This fun and lively manual provides more than 40 tried-and-tested activities and games to get children and young people involved in the decision-making process.
There are also tips on the practicalities and pitfalls of planning and running collaborative and creative sessions. All the activities are clearly laid out and easy to follow with ideas on how you can creatively adapt them. At the end the book menus of activities are provided from sessions run all over the country with all kinds of people. All this fare is spiced up with cartoons.
The book should be of interest to all professionals and organisations who work with children and young people for example local authority workers, school teachers, play workers, youth workers, care workers, health professionals. In fact, anyone who wants to make any planning and consultation serious fun.