Report on the Consultations with Young People to inform the Youth Homelessness Strategy Consultation

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Report on the Consultations with Young People to inform the Youth Homelessness Strategy Consultation

Published August 2022

Youth Homlessness Report-1


Author: Deirdre Fullerton

Publisher: Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (DHLGH)

Date: 2022

Geographic Coverage: Ireland

Type of Resource: Report

Sector/setting: Government

Vulnerable groups: Children, Young People

Developed with children and young people? Yes

Type of participation: Consultations With Young People

Availability: Open Access

Keywords: Youth, Homelessness, Housing, Human Rights, Youth Rights



In the Programme for Government ‘Our Shared Future’ and in the Housing for All Housing Plan to 2030), the Government committed to developing a Youth Homelessness Strategy. The aim of this Youth Homelessness Strategy is to help people who are aged 18 – 24 who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. The strategy will require an integrated, whole-of-Government approach, with a range of key stakeholders playing a vital role in addressing the fundamental issues arising in addressing youth homelessness.


In 2021, a National Homeless Action Committee (NHAC) was established with representatives from key Government Departments, statutory bodies, and stakeholders. The purpose of NHAC is to ensure that a renewed emphasis is brought to collaborating across Government to implement actions in Housing for All, along with bringing better coherence and coordination of homeless-related services in delivering policy measures and actions to address homelessness. Chaired by the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, one of the first priorities of NHAC is the development of the Youth Homelessness Strategy.