Stereotyping of Young People Resource Pack

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Stereotyping of Young People Resource Pack

Published 2009


Author: The Equality Authority and the National Youth Council of Ireland

Publisher: The Equality Authority and the National Youth Council of Ireland

Date: 2009

Geographic Coverage: Ireland

Type of Resource: Publication

Sector/setting: School, Local Community, Media

Vulnerable groups: Young People

Developed with children and young people? Yes

Type of participation: Consultation with children (e.g. surveys, consultative events or workshops)

Availability: Open Access

Keywords: Abilities, Attributes, Challenge, Institutional Relationships, Local Communities, Media, Resource, School, Stereotyping, Young People



This research highlighted a widespread stereotyping of young people in a range of arenas – at school, in their local communities and in the media. The research concluded that the young people interviewed saw their institutional relationships with adults as for the most part unequal, troubled and rooted in stereotypical ideas about their attributes and abilities.