Teenagers views on Solutions to Alcohol Misuse. Report on a National Consultation.
In February 2007, the Minister for Children announced that his Office would consult with teenagers on alcohol misuse. The consultations were designed to explore how young people themselves view teenage drinking.

Author: Office of the Minister for Children
Publisher: The Stationery Office
Date: 2008
Geographic Coverage: Ireland
Type of Resource: Practice (International, Regional and/or Domestic)
Sector/setting: Other
Vulnerable groups: Children general
Developed with children and young people? Yes
Type of participation: Consultation with children (e.g. surveys, consultative events or workshops)
Availability: Open Access
Keywords: Alcohol Misuse, Consultations, Minister for Children, Teenage Drinking, Teenagers, View
In February 2007, the Minister for Children announced that his Office would consult with teenagers on alcohol misuse. The consultations were designed to explore how young people themselves view teenage drinking.