Teenspace – National Recreation Policy for Young People

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Teenspace – National Recreation Policy for Young People

Recorded in July 2016

Teenspace – National Recreation Policy for Young People


Author: Office of the Minister for Children

Publisher: The Stationery Office

Date: 2007

Geographic Coverage: Ireland

Type of Resource: Policy (International, Regional and/or Domestic)

Sector/setting: Recreation

Vulnerable groups: Children

Developed with children and young people? Yes

Type of participation: Consultation with children (e.g. surveys, consultative events or workshops)

Availability: Open Access

Keywords: Activities, Community, Framework, National Children’s Strategy, Office of the Minister for Children, Opportunities, Play, Policy, Recreation, Teenspace



The process of developing the National Recreation Policy was informed through research commissioned by the Office of the Minister for Children (OMC). The aims of the research were to determine what young Irish people do in their free time and what are the barriers and supports they experience and their aspirations with regard to recreation and leisure. Research was undertaken in 2004 with over 2,260 young people, aged 12-18, across a random sample of 51 schools throughout the country.

A public consultation was then conducted, the purpose of which was to gather views, comments and suggestions for the development of the policy based on the consultation document.

The findings of the research and the key issues emerging from the public consultation were considered in the context of the development of the National Recreation Policy.