Ten Years On: Did the National Childrens Strategy deliver on its promises?
Recorded 21st July 2016

Author: Children’s Rights Alliance
Publisher: Children’s Rights Alliance
Date: 2011
Geographic Coverage: Ireland
Type of Resource: Research (Non-Governmental Organisation)
Sector/setting: Government
Vulnerable groups: Children general
Developed with children and young people? No
Type of participation: Other
Availability: Open Access
Keywords: Children, Children’s Rights Alliance, Ireland, Objectives, Policy, Review, Strategy
The National Children’s Strategy: Our Children – Their Lives, a 10 year strategy that has driven children’s policy in Ireland since 2000, comes to an end in December 2010. This review, undertaken by the Children’s Rights Alliance, in collaboration with our members, looks back at the ten years of the Strategy and assesses whether it has delivered on its objectives.