The Voice of the Child in Private Family Law Proceedings: A Comparative Review
Published August 2023

Author: Professor Conor O’Mahony, Liam O’Driscoll
Publisher: University College Cork
Date: 2023
Geographic Coverage: Ireland, England and Wales, Australia, New Zealand, Ontario, and Germany
Type of Resource: Report
Sector/setting: Academia, Law
Vulnerable groups: Children
Developed with children and young people? No
Type of participation: Legal Proceedings
Availability: Open Access
Keywords: Child, Child’s Rights, Family Law, Law
This comparative review reports on the outcomes of a phase 1 of a research project being undertaken by the Child Law Clinic at University College Cork that will examine the effectiveness of arrangements for ascertaining the views of children in private family law proceedings in Ireland. The purpose of the comparative review is to provide an insight into the processes and structures for the ascertaining the views of children in private family law proceedings in six jurisdictions (Ireland, England and Wales, Australia, New Zealand, Ontario, and Germany), with a view to identifying common challenges, the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches, and variations in law and practice. The review begins by setting out the provisions for the inclusion of the voice of the child in private family law proceedings under international law, before delving into the approaches of the various jurisdictions.