Everyday Participation in Service Provision
How the Irish Wheelchair Association involves young people in day-to-day decision-making in its young adult services.
How the Irish Wheelchair Association involves young people in day-to-day decision-making in its young adult services.
How a primary school teacher ensures that children are given a voice in decision-making on what happens in the classroom every day.
At Creative Kids & Co., the most important aspect of our work is children’s participation in decision-making in their own learning.
The topic was identified by two youth workers, based on interactions with young people facing the transition from second-level education.
In October 2019, Foróige’s Reference Panel identified climate justice as an issue affecting all of society and young people in particular.
Young people’s involvement in implementing the world’s first LGBTI+ youth strategy.
Young people’s involvement in improving the experience of living in Ballydowd Special Care Unit.
How the vet ensured that the child was given Space, Voice, Audience and Influence.
Young people’s involvement in the development of a Halloween Programme in Lava Javas Youth Café, Limerick City.
A parent’s story about the impact on children of having their voices heard.