Child participation assessment tool
Recorded in July 2016
Author: Council of Europe; Children’s and Youth Department
Publisher: Council of Europe; Children’s and Youth Department
Date: 2014
Geographic Coverage: Europe
Type of Resource: Practice (International, Regional and/or Domestic)
Sector/setting: Other
Vulnerable groups: Children general
Developed with children and young people? Yes
Type of participation: Consultation with children (e.g. surveys, consultative events or workshops)
Availability: Open Access
Keywords: Assessment Tool, Child Participation, Committee of Ministers, Council of Europe, Goals, Implementation, Indicators, Member State, Obligations, Recommendations, Support, Young People
The Council of Europe Child Participation Assessment Tool is designed to provide specific and measurable indicators with which States can begin to measure progress in implementing Recommendation CM/Rec (2012) 2 of the Committee of Ministers.