Children’s Experiences, Perspectives and Participation in the Context of Domestic Violence: A Scoping Review
Published February 2025
Author: Simon Lapierre, Raheleh Sazgar, Camila Cardeal
Publisher: Journal of Family Violence
Date: 2025
Geographic Coverage: Europe
Type of Resource: Academic Journal
Sector/setting: Family and the Home
Vulnerable groups: Children
Developed with children and young people? No
Type of participation: N/A
Availability: Restricted Access
Keywords: Children, Experiences, Perspectives, Participation, Domestic Violence
This article presents key findings from a scoping review, which answers the following question: What is the state of knowledge on children’s experiences, perspectives and participation in the context of domestic violence?
The scoping review focused on articles published in academic journals between 2009 and 2020. A five-stage process was followed (Arksey & O’Malley, 2005), using Covidence software to manage the data. The review included 34 articles.