Author: Collin, P, Lala, G, Palombo, L, Marrades, R & Maci, G, Vromen, A.
Publisher: Young and Well Cooperative Research Centre, Melbourne
Date: 2016
Geographic Coverage: Worldwide
Type of Resource: Report
Sector/setting: Other
Vulnerable groups: Children
Developed with children and young people? Not specified
Type of participation: Research
Availability: Open Access
Keywords: Children, Engagement, Policy Making, Young and Well Cooperative Research Centre, Young People, Youth Engaged Policy
Young people’s participation in the economic, political and cultural life of all Australians is fundamental both now and in the future. Their participation contributes to healthier, happier individuals and communities, and a stronger, more resilient democracy capable of responding effectively to complex challenges such as mental health, environmental and economic change.
New forms of participation and collaboration – especially via digital media technologies – offer real opportunity to embed diversity in young people’s participation in government and community decision making. However, at the federal level, young people are more marginalised from formal policy processes than ever before.
These policies are often aimed at remedying perceived deficits or deterring them from ‘anti-social’ alternatives. Moreover, there is a lack of data on young people’s and policy makers’ views regarding involvement in policy processes which could inform a national framework that puts young people at the centre of public policy.