The Library

Resources / The Library

The Library

A comprehensive collection of national and international good practice, policy, legal and academic publications, reports and resources on children and young people’s participation in decision-making.

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ombudsman logo
Date: 2015 - Type: Report - Topic: Ombudsman for Children

A Report on the Involvement of Children and Young People in the Recruitment of the Ombudsman for Children

Resources / The Library A Report on the Involvement of Children and Young People in the Recruitment of the Ombudsman for Children: 2015 Read Report Contributors Author: Department of Children and Youth Affairs Publisher: Department of Children and Youth Affairs Date: 2015 Geographic Coverage: National Type of Resource: Report Sector/setting: Government Vulnerable groups: Children, Young [...]
Garda Youth Diversion Projects
Date: 2018 - Type: Report - Topic: Garda Youth Diversion Projects

Report on Consultations with Young People Engaged in Garda Youth Diversion Projects

This report details the findings of consultations with young people on Garda Youth Diversion Projects (GYDPs).

Date: 2012 - Type: Policy - Topic: Childrens Services Committees

Toolkit for the Development of a Childrens Services Committees, 2nd Edition

This is a summary of the initiative to develop and implement a planning model for national and local interagency working to improve outcomes for children.

Date: 1985 - Type: Report - Topic: Policy (International, Regional and/or Domestic)

United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice (“The Beijing Rules”)

Child participation is enshrined in these guidelines in the context of children who come into conflict with the law, e.g. the right to be notified of the charges; the right to confront and cross-examine witnesses etc. which is afforded by basic procedural

Date: 2019 - Type: Report - Topic: National Youth Strategy

First Annual Report on the implementation of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Intersex (LGBTI+) National Youth Strategy 2018–2020

The actions initiated in the first year of implementation have focused on the lives of LGBTI+ young people across a range of sectors.

Date: 2007 - Type: Policy - Topic: Taskforce on Active Citizenship

Report of the Taskforce on Active Citizenship

In this Report, we set out our vision of what it means to be an active citizen – and how individuals might be supported and encouraged to be active citizens. This is a big task – and we don’t pretend to have all the answers.

Date: 2007 - Type: Report - Topic: Children’s rights

Children’s rights in juvenile justice’ General Comment No. 10

This General Comment, like all, must be read in conjunction with Article 12, one of the four guiding principles of the Convention, which enshrines the child’s right to be heard.

Date: March 2023 - Type: Report - Topic: Children's Rights, Human Rights

Children’s Human Rights to ‘Participation’ and ‘Protection’: Rethinking the Relationship Using Barnahus as a Case Example

The relationship between children’s human rights to protection and to what is commonly referred to as ‘participation’ has received significant attention

Date: 2016 - Type: Report - Topic: Early Years

First 5 Report on the National Consultation with Young Children

Children aged 3–5 years are at an incredibly important stage of their life. Within the last decade they have been increasingly prioritised within Irish policy

Date: March 2023 - Type: Report - Topic: Early Years, Everyday Spaces, Care, Toolkits

Voice of the Infant Best Practice Guidelines and Infant Pledge

The Voice of the Infant Best Practice Guidelines and Infant Pledge have been coproduced by a short-life working group.