The Library

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The Library

A comprehensive collection of national and international good practice, policy, legal and academic publications, reports and resources on children and young people’s participation in decision-making.

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Date: 2002 - Type: Report - Topic: SCREAM Education Pack

Supporting childrens rights through education, the arts, and media (SCREAM): Education Pack

The education pack, which forms the basis of the SCREAM programme, is made up of 14 educational modules and a User’s Guide.

Date: 2008 - Type: Academic - Topic: Violence against children in conflict with the law

Violence against children in conflict with the law: A study on indicators and data collection in Belgium, England and Wales, France and the NetherlandsViolence against children in conflict with the law: A study on indicators and data collection in Belgium, England and Wales, France and the Netherlands

Children deprived of their liberty and placed in detention are at extreme risk of violence

Date: 2002 - Type: Law - Topic: Child Rights

The private sector as a service provider Day of General Discussion (2002)

The Committee discussed the theme “The private sector as service provider and its role in implementing Child Rights”.

Date: 2008 - Type: Report - Topic: Standards for consulting with children

Minimum standards for consulting with children

The Minimum Standards on Consulting with Children were developed to facilitate and support the participation of children in formal consultations

Date: 2007 - Type: Methodology - Topic: Childrens participation in decision-making

Childrens participation in decision-making: why do it, when to do it, how to do it

This booklet shows how to put children’s participation into practice. It is for everyone in roles of public leadership and service, answering questions about how and when children’s participation is needed.

Date: 2003 - Type: Methodology - Topic: Tools for planning and consultations

So you want to consult with children? A toolkit of good practice

This toolkit of good practice has been designed to offer advice, ideas and guidance for involving children in consultations.

Date: 2003 - Type: Book - Topic: Tools for planning and consultations

Participation – Spice it Up! Practical tools for engaging children and young people in planning and consultations

The Book “Participation – Spice It Up!” is packed full of practical tools and ideas for engaging children and young people.

Date: 2016 - Type: Other - Topic: Ethical participation in violence against children

Promoting childrens meaningful and ethical participation in the UN global study on violence against children: a short guide for members of the NGO advisory panel and others

This is a study of how children and young people face violence all over the world and what can be done to stop it. 

Date: 2006 - Type: Report - Topic: Violence against children

Safe you and safe me – violence is NOT ok: a Save the Children contribution to the United Nations Secretary-Generals study on violence against children

A child-friendly art-therapy workbook designed to help children to learn about the types of violence faced by children throughout the world and give them.

Date: 2015 - Type: Report - Topic: Policy and Literature Review of Goal 1

Policy and Literature Review of Goal 1 of the National Children’s Strategy, 2000-2010

This strategy recognises that children have an innate dignity as human beings; enrich the quality of all our lives; are especially vulnerable; thrive through the love and support of a family life; should be supported to explore, enjoy and develop their varied talents; and need help to learn responsibility as they grow towards adulthood and full citizenship.