Listening for Childrens Stories: Children as Partners in the Framework for Early Learning.
The NCCA designed a portraiture study to develop portraits of children’s experiences of early learning and development in a range of settings in Ireland.
The NCCA designed a portraiture study to develop portraits of children’s experiences of early learning and development in a range of settings in Ireland.
This issue explores perspectives on participation from experiences in Africa and seeks to elucidate key insights and lessons and raise further questions for debate.
This special issue results from an international research symposium, held in 2006 to discuss papers addressing the theme of Children and Young People as Social Actors.
“Why Don’t We?” is designed to be used in an informal environment by both young people and youth work practitioners. Many of the activities and reflective exercises are action based and require participation by all members of the group (both adults and young people).
A research project to explore how children’s rights are respected in law across the different countries who are members of the ChildWatch International Research Group
This article provides a children’s rights critique of the concept of ‘pupil voice’. The analysis is founded on Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which gives children the right to have their views given due weight.
This article describes and analyses the process used by Barnardos in developing and implementing a participatory approach in a children’s IT project in Galway City, Ireland.
This guide is for Save the Children staff and partners who are involved in advocacy. You can use it as a general advocacy resource.
The Government is committed to a coherent strategy for social inclusion based on the lifecycle approach set out in the national partnership agreement towards 2016
The aims of the research were to determine what young Irish people do in their free time and what are the barriers and supports they experience and their aspirations with regard to recreation and leisure.