A Report on the Consultation with Children and Young People as Part of the Development of a Traveller and Roma Education Strategy
Published in 2025

Author: Department of Education
Publisher: Department of Education
Date: 2025
Geographic Coverage: Ireland
Type of Resource: Report
Sector/setting: Government Strategy, Traveller & Roma Communities
Vulnerable groups: Traveller & Roma Children & Young People
Developed with children and young people? Yes
Type of participation: Consultations with Traveller & Roma Children & Young People
Availability: Open Access
Keywords: Education, Strategy, Participation, Children, Young People, Traveller, Roma
This report details the findings from consultations with children and young people nominated by Traveller and Roma organisations as part of the development of a Traveller and Roma Education Strategy by the Department of Education. The aim of the consultations was to get the views of children and young people from Traveller and Roma organisations on what will work to improve both their experiences in school, as well as to improve education access and outcomes, including attendance, participation and retention. The Department of Education places a strong emphasis on incorporating the voices of children and young people into the development of policies that directly impact them. This approach underscores the department’s increased responsibility to recognise and address the unique challenges faced by children and young people, particularly those from Traveller and Roma communities.
Central to the formulation of actions within the Traveller and Roma Education Strategy is the principle of prioritising the best interests of the child or young person. To achieve this, the Department of Education worked in partnership with Hub na nÓg and the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) to consult with children and young people nominated by Traveller and Roma organisations. Capturing the views on education of such a large number of children and young people from two seldom heard communities – the Traveller and Roma communities – creates an invaluable resource for the Government in understanding the issues that affect children and young people from Traveller and Roma communities and in developing policy that seeks to address some of these issues.
Profile of children and young people:
A total of 68 children and young people aged 11-23 years, invited through Traveller and Roma organisations, participated in eight consultations nationwide, both in-person and online.