The Library

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The Library

A comprehensive collection of national and international good practice, policy, legal and academic publications, reports and resources on children and young people’s participation in decision-making.

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Date: 2020 - Type: Academic Research - Topic: Children’s Rights

Children’s Rights Budgeting and Social Accountability: Children’s Views on its Purposes, Processes and Their Participation

The article identifies some of the barriers to including children in decision making on public spending.

Date: 2021 - Type: Review - Topic: Children’s Rights

Children’s Views on Children’s Rights: A Systematic Literature Review

This systematic literature review aimed to investigate children’s views of children’s rights, at a broad level.

Date: 2021 - Type: Journal - Topic: Youth Led Initiatives

Youth First: A Canadian Youth-led Initiative in the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Youth First focused on creating safe and interactive spaces in cyberspace for young people during the pandemic.

Date: 2021 - Type: Report - Topic: Human Rights Education

“The pandemic is galvanizing change”: Shifting to a critical and decolonial approach to human rights education with youth

COVID-19 reveals the vital role of human rights education (HRE) in combatting racial discrimination and safeguarding youth civil rights.

Date: 2021 - Type: Research - Topic: Children's Outdoor Activities

Study of Perception of Parents and Their Children About Day-to-day Outdoor Play Spaces

The quantitative study and analysis highlights different aspects like play and mobility range, open space visitation, activities of children.

Date: 2021 - Type: Research - Topic: Child Participation in Decision-making

A Qualitative Study of Child Participation in Decision-making: Exploring Rights-based Approaches in Pediatric Occupational Therapy

This qualitative study described the decision-making experiences of children, parents and therapists in occupational therapy.

Date: 2021 - Type: Report - Topic: Seeing lockdown through the eyes of children

Seeing lockdown through the eyes of children from around the world: Reflecting on a children’s artwork project

This summary report presents key messages that young people have identified as key experiences and priority concerns during the pandemic since November 2020.

Date: 2021 - Type: Report - Topic: Growing-up Under Covid-19

Growing-up Under Covid-19: Key Messages from the Second Cycle of Participatory Action Research

This report presents messages that young people have identified as key experiences and priority concerns during the pandemic.

Date: 2019 - Type: Publication - Topic: Rural Youth Inclusion

Research Series Issue 45: Rural Youth Inclusion, Empowerment, and Participation

This study focuses on participation in decision-making processes and how rural youth could benefit from its findings in development projects

Date: 2018 - Type: Policies, Standards, and Strategies - Topic: Child Participation

National Child Participation Strategy: Building a Caring Society. Together.

This document provides a common framework to guide government and civil society to promote the meaningful participation of children in South Africa.