The Library

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The Library

A comprehensive collection of national and international good practice, policy, legal and academic publications, reports and resources on children and young people’s participation in decision-making.

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Date: 2019 - Type: Academic - Topic: Childhood Research

‘I Want to Share This Video With You Today.’ Children’s Participation Rights in Childhood Research

This paper discusses ethical and methodological considerations of children’s rights-based epistemology.

Date: 2015 - Type: Academic - Topic: Participation of Seldom Heard Young People:

Promoting the Participation of Seldom Heard Young People: A Review of the Literature on Best Practice Principles

Reviewing the national and international literature on the participation of seldom heard young people and to identify best practice principles in the field.

Date: 2022 - Type: Project - Topic: Voice of the Child Project

‘Seeing Voices’ – Voice of the Child Project 2021

The Voice of the Child project was initiated by The Genesis Programme under Louth LEADER Partnership’s ABC Programme and funded by CYPSC.

Date: 2010 - Type: Methodology - Topic: Working with young people

Working with young people: A national study of youth work provision and policy in contemporary Ireland

This study provides a context to the provision and policy of Irish youth work. It identified that over 43,000 young people participated in youth work groups across Ireland.

Date: 2006 - Type: Academic - Topic: Social inclusion

The Irish National Children’s Strategy: Lessons for promoting the social inclusion of children and young people

This article describes the origins, development and contents of the Irish National Children’s Strategy, noting the links to the wider imperative of social inclusion.

Date: 2017 - Type: Report - Topic: Community Experiences and Issues

Children and Young Peoples Participation in the Community in Ireland: Experiences and Issues

This is an executive summary of a regional technical workshop for Save the Children and partners in Bangkok on 5-6 March 2009 on involving children and young people in violence prevention and protection.

Date: 2018 - Type: Academic - Topic: Child Welfare Practice

Space, Voice, Audience and Influence: The Lundy Model of Participation (2007) in Child Welfare Practice

The purpose of this article is to share examples of how practitioners working in Ireland’s child protection and welfare services implement these concepts in practice

Date: 2019 - Type: Report - Topic: Voice-inclusive practice

Perils of perspective: Identifying adult confidence in the childs capacity, autonomy, power and agency (CAPA) in readiness for voice-inclusive practice

In recent years, children’s voice initiatives in education have gained increased recognition and application. However, while the concept of child and student ‘voice’ is not new, there remains a high level of inconsistency in how voice-focused initiatives are implemented across education sectors.

Date: 2010 - Type: Report - Topic: Implementing the new forms of youth participation in youth policy

‘Will you listen? Young voices from conflict zones’ Machel study 10-year strategic review: children and conflict in a changing world

UNICEF was a co-convenor of this 10th-anniversary strategic review of the issues raised in the landmark 1996 Machel study on the impacts of conflict on children, which aims to serve as an advocacy and policy tool on children and armed conflict.

Date: 2019 - Type: Report - Topic: Childrens Rights

Embedding a childrens rights perspective in policy and decision-making

An overview of the extent to which children’s rights are promoted and taken into account in policies and practice.