The Library

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The Library

A comprehensive collection of national and international good practice, policy, legal and academic publications, reports and resources on children and young people’s participation in decision-making.

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Date: 2001 - Type: Report - Topic: Research (Non-Governmental Organisation)

Learning to listen: consulting children and young people with disabilities

This report is based on a consultation with disabled children and young people in London in 2000. It focuses on the methods and processes of carrying out such a consultation-consent issues, how to structure consultation sessions and tools used. 

Date: 2018 - Type: Report - Topic: Experiences of Mental Health Services

“Take My Hand” Young Peoples Experiences of Mental Health Services

“Take My Hand” report highlights young people’s experiences of, and perspectives on mental health services.

Date: 2018 - Type: Report - Topic: Participation standards

The participation of children and young people in care: insights from an analysis of national inspection reports in the Republic of Ireland

This paper outlines findings in relation to participation standards in HIQA foster care, residential care and special care inspection reports over a two-year period from 2013 to 2015.

Date: 2007 - Type: Report - Topic: Research (Non-Governmental Organisation)

Promoting the rights of children with disabilities Inoocenti Digest No. 13

The Innocenti Digest on Promoting the Rights of children with disabilities. 

Date: 2010 - Type: Report - Topic: Policy (International, Regional and/or Domestic)

Deinstitutionalisation and community living of children with disabilities

This recommendation aims to promote the deinstitutionalisation of children with disabilities and their life in the community.

Date: 2019 - Type: Report - Topic: Voices of children and young people in care

Voice of the child – raising the volume of the voices of children and young people in care

A special edition of Child Care in Practice on “Raising the Voice of Children and Young People in Care”

Date: 2018 - Type: Academic - Topic: Effectiveness of Participatory Processes

Supporting Childrens Participation in Decision Making: A Systematic Literature Review Exploring the Effectiveness of Participatory Processes

This article explores how effective processes are in supporting children’s participation in decisions concerning their personal welfare, protection and care.

Date: 2018 - Type: Report - Topic: Advising and decision making

Development and testing of an assessment of youth/young adult voice in agency-level advising and decision making

This paper describes the development and validation of the Youth/Young Adult Voice at the Agency Level (Y-VAL), an assessment of the extent to which agencies have implemented best practices for supporting meaningful participation.

Date: 2017 - Type: Academic - Topic: Social research: Assessing Harm and Benefit

Justifying children and young peoples involvement in social research: Assessing Harm and Benefit.

When children and young people’s involvement in research is increasingly the norm, this article reflects on the importance of a well-reasoned and transparent justification for their inclusion or exclusion

Date: 2018 - Type: Report - Topic: Early intervention and prevention models

Listen to them! The challenge of capturing the true voice of young people within early intervention and prevention models; a youth work perspective

Exploring the challenges to youth work in capturing the voices of young people in a meaningful way within Meitheal and the Child and Family Support Networks model.