The Library

Resources / The Library

The Library

A comprehensive collection of national and international good practice, policy, legal and academic publications, reports and resources on children and young people’s participation in decision-making.

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Date: 2011 - Type: Report - Topic: Views on Reform of the Junior Cycle.

Voices of Young People. Young Peoples Views on Reform of the Junior Cycle.

A consultation with young people on the reform of the Junior Cycle took place in November 2010.

Date: 2011 - Type: Report - Topic: Children and Young People Living in the Care of the State

Listen to Our Voices, Hearing Children and Young People Living in the Care of the State

This report publishes the findings of conducting a consultation process with children in the care of the State.

Date: 2020 - Type: Report - Topic: National Policy Framework

Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures: the National Policy Framework for Children and Young People 2014-2020

Better Outcomes Brighter Futures is the first overarching national children’s policy framework for children and young people aged 0-24.

Date: 2019 - Type: Report - Topic: Participation in Decision-Making

National Strategy on Children and Young Peoples Participation in Decision-Making 2015-2020

This report documents a whole-of-government strategy, with the Department of Children and Youth Affairs having responsibility for policy leadership & support.

Separated, asylum-seeking children in European Union Member States
Date: 2011 - Type: Report - Topic: Law (International, Regional and/or Domestic)

‘Article 19: the right of the child to freedom from all forms of violence’ General Comment No. 13

When appropriate, juvenile or family specialised courts and criminal procedures should be established for child victims of violence. This could include the establishment of specialized units within the police, the judiciary and the prosecutor’s office.

Children and young people in care rights
Date: 2005 - Type: Report - Topic: Law (International, Regional and/or Domestic)

‘Treatment of unaccompanied and separated children outside their country of origin’ General Comment No. 6

Article 12 of the Convention allows for a well-informed expression of views and wishes of unaccompanied minors, as it is imperative that such children are provided with all relevant information concerning, for example, their entitlements, services available.

Children and young people in care rights
Date: 2007 - Type: Report - Topic: Research (Non-Governmental Organisation)

‘Evaluating Children’s Participation in SEN Procedures: Lessons for educational psychologists’

This paper reports the findings from a study of the participation of children with special educational needs (SEN) in decision-making about their needs in a sample of mainstream schools which were self-selected for having promising practices.

Children and young people in care rights
Date: 2010 - Type: Report - Topic: Research (Non-Governmental Organisation)

Listening to children about justice: report of the Council of Europe consultation with children on child-friendly justice

This report has two main aims: first, it presents the views of children gathered during the Council of Europe’s consultation exercise on child-friendly justice. Second, it reports on the consultation process itself and reflects on what lessons can be learned.

Developing ethical research projects involving children
Date: 2012 - Type: Guidance - Topic: Ethical research projects involving children

Guidance for Developing Ethical Research Projects Involving Children

Resources / Resources / The Library Guidance for Developing Ethical Research Projects Involving Children Published 2012 View Report Contributors Author: Department of Children and Youth Affairs Publisher: Department of Children and Youth Affairs Date: 2012 Geographic Coverage: Ireland Type of Resource: Guidance Sector/setting: Government Vulnerable groups: Children, Young People Developed with children and young people? [...]
Date: 2009 - Type: Report - Topic: Children and young people in care rights

Children and young people in care Discover your rights!

This publication aims to promote knowledge on the care system in a child-friendly manner, including a child’s rights as a young person in care and how to effectively communicate with professionals in order to empower the child.