The Library

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The Library

A comprehensive collection of national and international good practice, policy, legal and academic publications, reports and resources on children and young people’s participation in decision-making.

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Date: 2018 - Type: Report - Topic: Participation on policy making

The impact of children and young peoples participation on policy making

A report commissioned by the Scottish Government to explore the impact children and young people’s participation has had on policy-making in Scotland.

Date: 2015 - Type: Report - Topic: Participation in Different Forms of Regional and Local Democracy

Youth Participation Good Practices in Different Forms of Regional and Local Democracy

Youth in Europe are politically engaged and having their say at the local level in many fields of democracy

Date: 2012 - Type: Report - Topic: Participation in policy-making

“I want my experiences to make a difference” promoting participation in policy-making and service development by young people who have experienced violence

This paper explores participation, by young people who have experienced violence, in policy and practice developments.

Date: 2016 - Type: Report - Topic: Participation in national policymaking

Childrens participation in national policymaking: “Youre so adorable, adorable, adorable! Im speechless; so much fun!”

This study portrays patterns of children’s participation in public policymaking and characterize various adults’ reactions to children’s participation.

Date: 2021 - Type: Report - Topic: Reimagining Migration Responses

Reimagining Migration Responses – Learning from Children and Young People Who Move in the Horn of Africa

Based on interviews with migrant children this report helps address the evidence gap on children and young people migrating in the Horn of Africa.

Date: 2021 - Type: Report - Topic: Socio-educational Integration of Migrant and Refugee Children

Supporting Languages: The Socio-educational Integration of Migrant and Refugee Children and Young People

This article draws on data from IMMERSE which uses participatory and co-creation methodologies with children, parents, educators and policy-makers.

Date: 2018 - Type: Article - Topic: Early Years

Including Children’s Voices in a Multiple Stakeholder Study on a Community-wide Approach to Improving Quality in Early Years Setting

The main objective of the intervention programme is to measurably improve the lives of children (pre-birth to six years) and families.

Date: 2019 - Type: Report - Topic: Researching Children’s Voices in Early Years

Circle-time, Selfies, Friends, and Food: Researching Children’s Voices in Early Years Settings in the Young Knocknaheeny ABC Programme

Researching Children’s Voices in Early Years Settings in the Young Knocknaheeny ABC Programme.

Date: 2022 - Type: Publication - Topic: European Early Childhood Education Research Journal

European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, Volume 30, Issue 1 (2022)

Special issue on the theme of eliciting the voice of children from birth to seven.

Date: 2009 - Type: Policy - Topic: Mental Health

Teenage Mental Health: What helps and what hurts? Report on the Outcome of Consultations with Teenagers on Mental Health.

This report discusses the developing policies and services that meet the needs of young people through engaging directly with them.