How Babies, Toddlers and Young Children had Voice in Decision- making in the Design and Delivery of a Dance Curriculum
How a dance facilitator created the conditions for babies, toddlers, and young children to have a voice in decision-making.
How a dance facilitator created the conditions for babies, toddlers, and young children to have a voice in decision-making.
This report details the findings from consultations with children and young people nominated by Traveller and Roma organisations as part of the development of a Traveller and Roma Education Strategy by the Department of Education.
A helpful tool designed specifically to measure the impact of child participation on children, adults, and policymaking.
Author: Government of Malta, UCC, Commissioner for Children
This report compiles information from 57 Eurochild members in 31 countries across Europe and provides an overview of children’s realities in these countries. The report aims to identify good and promising practices, working solutions, and country-specific recommendations for EU decision-makers and national governments to draw from when addressing children’s needs.
The Covid-19 pandemic was a worldwide crisis, which had a significant impact on children’s lives. The effects were most damaging for children who were already living in disadvantaged circumstances (United Nations, 2020), with children from economically and socially disadvantaged backgrounds suffering the most (European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, 2021). Using Ireland as a case study, the purpose of this research is to work collaboratively with children and young people to understand how a child rights-based approach can be embedded in decision-making in times of emergency.
The purpose of this report is to capture and put on record the views of the young people involved in the YAG, to communicate the views of the YAG to decision-makers and to ensure that the YAG will be able to influence decisions that affect them.
The aim of this scoping document is to provide advice on approaching participative processes and initiatives in the most accessible and inclusive way possible.
The purpose is to support councillors, council officers and those working in other organisations who want to work with those with care experience for the purposes of co-production, consultation, training or other forms of engagement in which a person’s lived experience of children’s social care is a key part of the expertise they bring.
The research in this report investigates whether the approaches that have been used to involve young people have been effective in meaningfully engaging them in decision-making processes. It also explores whether involving young people in decision making influences policies, shapes communities and impacts the lives of young participants
Opportunities for Youth: National Strategy for Youth Work and Related Services sets out Ireland’s key policy ambitions for youth work and related services.