Opportunities for Youth – National Strategy for Youth Work and Related Services
Opportunities for Youth: National Strategy for Youth Work and Related Services sets out Ireland’s key policy ambitions for youth work and related services.
Opportunities for Youth: National Strategy for Youth Work and Related Services sets out Ireland’s key policy ambitions for youth work and related services.
Policy agendas currently shape the identity of childhood and children’s role in society. They guide the development and delivery of children’s services across all domains of their life, including health, education and social welfare.
The aim of The Agenda is to assist policy-makers, managers and front-line practitioners to engage in reflective practice.
Children and young people’s participation in public decision-making is now firmly on international and national agendas. This article concludes the special issue on such participation, by discussing three central issues for children.
Aboriginal children and young people have much to say about governance, law and policy, particularly about matters that are likely to affect their lives.
Young people’s participation in the economic, political and cultural life of all Australians is fundamental both now and in the future.
This report discusses the developing policies and services that meet the needs of young people through engaging directly with them.
Public consultation to inform the development of a National Recreation Policy for Children and Young People
The Government, under the National Children’s Strategy, launched in November 2000, included a commitment to develop National Play and Recreation Policies. The Play Policy addresses the needs of younger children.
The Strategy set out a series of objectives to guide children’s policy over a ten year period in Ireland, from 2000-2010.