How Babies, Toddlers and Young Children had Voice in Decision- making in the Design and Delivery of a Dance Curriculum
How a dance facilitator created the conditions for babies, toddlers, and young children to have a voice in decision-making.
How a dance facilitator created the conditions for babies, toddlers, and young children to have a voice in decision-making.
A helpful reference point for judges when they are trying to decide if and how to write to the child or children involved in their cases.
Author: Family Justice Young People’s Board, Family Division
This article presents key findings from a scoping review, which answers the following question: What is the state of knowledge on children’s experiences, perspectives and participation in the context of domestic violence?
This scoping review aims to summarise current research on the participation of siblings of children with childhood-onset chronic conditions.
This study analyses secondary data from a prior umbrella review by the authors, focusing on children’s involvement in research processes.
This report details the findings from consultations with children and young people nominated by Traveller and Roma organisations as part of the development of a Traveller and Roma Education Strategy by the Department of Education.
A helpful tool designed specifically to measure the impact of child participation on children, adults, and policymaking.
Author: Government of Malta, UCC, Commissioner for Children
Here are some good practice tips to help you involve children from birth to 5 years in decision-making.
Author: Hub na nÓg, DCEDIY
How to listen to babies, toddlers and young children and involve them in decision-making on matters that affect them.
Author: Hub na nÓg, DCEDIY
This report compiles information from 57 Eurochild members in 31 countries across Europe and provides an overview of children’s realities in these countries. The report aims to identify good and promising practices, working solutions, and country-specific recommendations for EU decision-makers and national governments to draw from when addressing children’s needs.