Author: Ms Rebecca Jackson, Dr Bernadine Brady, Dr Cormac Forkan, Ms Edel Tierney, Dr Danielle Kennan
Publisher: UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre, NUI Galway
Date: 2018
Geographic Coverage: Ireland
Type of Resource: Report
Sector/setting: Government
Vulnerable groups: Children general
Developed with children and young people? Not Specified
Type of participation: Evaluation
Availability: Open Access
Keywords: Children in care, Children’s Participation, EPIC Fora, Formative Evaluation, NUI Galway, Tusla, UNESCO
Children’s participation has been defined as ‘the process by which children and young people have active involvement and real influence in decision-making on matters affecting their lives, both directly and indirectly’. Children’s participation can relate to decision-making about their own lives and circumstances (individual participation) or to the issues affecting a group of children and young people (collective participation).
This study focuses on collective participation, which is defined by Seim and Slettebø as ‘the goal of improving services for everyone in the same situation’.