Involving Traveller Children and Young People in Decision-making
How Involve Youth Project involves Traveller children and young people in decision-making in their day-to-day programmes and activities.
How Involve Youth Project involves Traveller children and young people in decision-making in their day-to-day programmes and activities.
How the Irish Secondary Students Union (ISSU) involved young people in the development of a charter for inclusive schools.
How a family support service listens to and acts on the views of children during their engagement in a family support programme.
How Jigsaw involved young people in an online youth mental health event ‘Youth Talk, We Listen’
How young people from were involved in developing key messages for adults who deliver services to children and young people.
How the Irish Wheelchair Association involves young people in day-to-day decision-making in its young adult services.
This study focuses on collective participation, which is defined as ‘the goal of improving services for everyone in the same situation’.
The aim of this study is to explore the extent to which children and young people aged 7-17 and living in contemporary and rural Ireland, are able to participate and influence matters affecting their home, school and community.