Sector: Policy Makers

Re-Thinking the “Invisible Child” Constitutions

Recent attempts to systematise the constitutional protection of children’s rights by creating constitutional typologies have been a useful first step in theorising this growing field. These efforts have focused on the wording of constitutions rather than their application, while forms of constitutional protection that are less textually explicit and more difficult to detect have received limited attention. By exploring the constitutional protection of children’s rights in France, this article demonstrates that some constitutions poor in explicit provisions on children’s rights can provide valuable protection through their general provisions. The article further argues that constitutional typologies of children’s rights protection should be expanded to encompass non-liberal constitutions.

Beyond Limits – How to Run a Mixed Ability Youth Advisory Panel: Key Learnings from the Ombudsman for Children’s Office

Beyond Limits is the Ombudsman for Children’s Office (OCO) event for children and young people with disabilities and their families. It aims to show them the opportunities open to them, talk about the issues they want to talk about, and highlight inclusiveness. With Beyond Limits, we want to show how a fully inclusive event can be the rule and not the exception.

Evidence-based Approaches to Policy-making and Service Delivery for Children and Young People in Ireland

This chapter discusses current practice and opportunities to strengthen evidence-based approaches to policymaking and service delivery for children and young people in Ireland. It analyses capacity among government departments and agencies to collect, utilise and share evidence that is disaggregated by age and other identity factors and coordinate research within the framework of the Children and Young People (CYP) Indicator Set, with a focus on mapping the needs of vulnerable groups of children and young people. It also discusses the collection of evidence through involving children, young people, and civil society in policymaking, as well as the development of regulatory impact assessments to anticipate child and youth outcomes ex ante.