Involving Traveller Children and Young People in Decision-making

Case Studies / Involving Traveller Children and Young People in Decision-making

Involving Traveller Children and Young People in Decision-making

How Involve Youth Project involves Traveller children and young people in decision-making in their day-to-day programmes and activities.

Background information:

a) The setting or space in which we engage with children/young people:
Involve Youth Project Meath is a Traveller* specific Youth Project. We provide fun programmes and activities for young people aged 8 – 25 years of age. The objectives of Involve are:

• To advocate equality and inclusivity for the Traveller community and provide educational and training programmes, initiatives and services that promote the participation and inclusion of the Traveller community in Irish society.
• To support Travellers accessing employment and creating opportunities for Travellers to avail of Training Programmes that would enhance their employability in society.

We have one project in Navan and another in Trim.

b) The decision makers who are responsible for listening to the views of children and young people:
The decision makers responsible for listening to the views of children and young people and acting on their views are the Involve Coordinator, two Community Employment (CE) Youth Workers and a Youth Work assistant. The responsibilities of youth workers include involving young people in decision making.

c) The age profile of the children and young people:
Aged 6 – 22

d) Other relevant information about the children or young people (e.g. disability, ethnic background, social disadvantage, etc.):
Involve Youth project specialises in working with children and young people from the Traveller Community. In our Trim centre, all the young people that attend our centre are Travellers. In our Navan centre, we also work with young people from low socio-economic backgrounds, and other ethnic backgrounds including Black Irish.


*Irish Travellers are a formally recognised minority ethnic group with their own language and culture

How the children and young people were ensured SPACE, VOICE, AUDIENCE and INFLUENCE

Space: How we ensured a safe and inclusive space to hear the views of young people at Involve Youth Project Meath

Things we consideredWhat we did
How we make sure that children and young people feel safe to express their views
  • We have a few things in place to ensure the young people feel safe to express their views.
  • We meet the young people in our own centre in Trim and in Navan we meet them in a local authority space. Both centres are on the sites where the young people live.
  • We make sure there is Traveller culture representation in the organisation. This includes imagery as well as having Traveller Staff on the team. This creates a feeling of safety for some Travellers as they can see representation of their community in the project and so they feel more willing to open up and express themselves.
  • Also having mixed gender staff is important as some young people will feel more comfortable opening up to someone who identifies as the same gender to them particularly within the Traveller community. This is also why we have established a Girls Group because some females aren’t allowed to engage in mixed groups once they reach a certain age. This Girls group allows a space for the girls to stay engaged in the project and feel safe to express their views.
How we allow enough time to listen to and hear their views
  • Young people may share their views in a natural way during groups and activities.
  • Staff are expected to listen to these views in a respectful way while asking further questions to discover why they may or may not be enjoying this activity or programme in comparison to other programmes.
  • There is also a space within our evaluations of programmes to ensure there is a specific time designated to listening to the views of all the young people particularly because some young people may not share their opinions in the day to day running of programmes.

The purpose of the evaluation is to make sure all young people’s voices are listened too, and they all have an opportunity to have an input for future programmes and activities.

How we make sure that all children or young people are heard
  • As mentioned above, the use of evaluations is one way we make sure all young people are heard.
  • Also, during team reflective practice and staff meetings staff share if any young people have given their views on particular programmes or activities and adaptions are made accordingly.

Voice: How we gave young people a voice in decisions

Things we consideredWhat we did
How we support children and young people to give their views and be heard
  • The responsibilities of youth workers include involving young people in decision making, which is addressed at the team’s daily reflective practice after groups and within staff meetings.
  • We use group contracts designed by the young people with rules that would make the group/activity run smoothly and ensure that the space is safe, and everyone is respected.
  • Revisiting the group contract is needed at times to ensure the contract is remembered and maintained. All the young people and youth workers sign it when everyone agrees of the rules to show that the rules are for everyone and are reciprocated from staff to young people also.

We always encourage the young people to give suggestions on new programmes or activities and implement these where possible to demonstrate that we listen and value their inputs.

How they can raise things that matter to them
  • We like to design programmes which link with current topics or concerns that young people have. These may be from what we recognise in society in general or if the young people say things within groups that need to be focused on e.g. Smoking (Xhale programme), Mental health or Racism (Show Racism the Red Card) etc.
  • Other than that, we try to develop relationships that the young people feel safe and respected and comfortable to be able to share the things that matter to them most. Sometimes this can be challenging with the Traveller young people as some have a guard up regarding what they share out of fear of negative repercussions. It happens naturally for the most part as the young people typically say openly whether they like the activity or not.
How we offer them different ways of giving their views
  • The we offer them to give their views varies depends on the programme.
  • Sometimes their views are shared vocally and openly in group times. Other times they will talk to a staff member they feel comfortable with.
  • Other ways include within focus groups or evaluations and through group discussions. We always encourage a space to share your opinions freely and respectfully.

Audience: How we made sure that there was an audience (decision-makers) for young people’s viewspencil

Things we consideredWhat we did
How we show children and young people that we are ready and willing to listen to views
  • Adaptions are made to activities and programmes based on what the young people say about the activity done on that day. We implement the activities or suggestions that the young people have shared with us where possible.
  • For example, if they have said they would like to do more cooking programmes we try to facilitate this.

By doing these smaller things it shows they are being listened too and hopes that they will recognise this and therefore they will feel more comfortable opening up in other ways regarding their views.

How we make sure that they understand what we can do with their viewsBy having open communication with the young people about what we can do regarding their views as well as what I mentioned before regarding implementing things that they have shared.

Influence: How we made sure that young people’s views were taken seriouslypencil

Things we consideredWhat we did
How they know the level of influence they can have
  • Focus groups and evaluations are completed after each programme has finished to get a breakdown of what parts of the programme were enjoyed best or least, whether they would like to do something like this again and how often they like this style of activity.
  • We inform them about the influence they have by having an open communication with the young people.
  • We also offer opportunities to engage in national conferences including Young Voices with NYCI as well as Erasmus projects. Young people from our project designed the No Shame Campaign, which originated from an Erasmus project.
How we give them feedback
  • We get the views of children and young people on our programmes through focus groups and evaluations.
  • We then give them verbal feedback on which of their suggestions are possible within the limits of child safeguarding, health and safety and budgets. We have very good open communication with the young people and if we can act on their wishes and suggestions, we do so.
How we share with them the impact of their views on decisions
  • We always let young people know what happened to their views. For example, after Covid restrictions lifted, the young people wanted a residential camping trip, and we organised this trip for them.
How we explain the reasons for decisions taken
  • We use open communication.
  • Being realistic sometimes impacts the results of decisions as young people sometimes have unrealistic expectations and a compromise needs to be agreed. For example, young people wanted to have a six-week cycling programme. We did all the planning to organise this, but young people who had not attended for some time turned up on the day the programme was due to start. There were not enough bikes in our project for the project happen at that time. We promised the young people that we will look for extra funding to get more bikes.


What changes were made because of children/young people giving their views?

The Youth Space in Trim has many spaces which have been adapted by the young people because they wanted to make it more youth friendly. This includes wall murals designed by the young people from start to finish both inside and outside. There is also representation of the Traveller community around the youth club. They have said that this makes them feel accepted and welcome.

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Childrens participation from tokenism to citizenship

A nation is democratic to the extent that its citizens are involved, particularly at the community level. The confidence and competence to be involved must be gradually acquired through practice.


Children’s participation in family and social life’ Recommendation No. R (98) 8  (Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 18 September 1998 at the 641st meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies)

Reigional Policy


Measures to protect children against harmful content and behaviour and to promote their active participation in the new information and communications environment’ Recommendation CM/Rec(2009)5 (Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 8 July 2009

Website of the AYF


Voice is not enough: conceptualising article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

This article provides a children’s rights critique of the concept of ‘pupil voice’. The analysis is founded on Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which gives children the right to have their views given due weight.


Promoting the participation of children in decisions that affect them, Recommendation 1864

Recommendation by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to Member States, encouraging them to promote participation by children in decisions affecting them.


The role of independent human rights institutions, General Comment No. 2

General Comment published by the Committee on the Rights of the Child to encourage States parties to establish an independent human rights institution for the promotion and monitoring of implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


General Measures of Implementation, General Comment No. 5

This General Comment outlines the general measures States parties must take to secure the full and effective implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.


Implementing Rights in Early Childhood, General Comment No. 7

This General Comment focuses on the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in the context of early childhood.


Children and International Human Rights Law: The Right of the Child to be Heard

The book explores the historical and theoretical background to Article Twelve of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and examines the various models of participation which have been created to facilitate a better understanding of this provision.


Children as citizens? International voices: Childwatch International Citizen Study Group

This book, published by Otago University Press, is an account of a Childwatch International collaborative international study about the meaning of citizenship to children – how they view their status and membership in society through notions of identity,


Children’s Rights Behind Bars, Human Rights of Children deprived of Liberty: Improving Monitoring Mechanisms National Report: Ireland

The goal of the project is to increase the respect of human rights of children deprived of liberty.


Picking Up the Pieces: The Rights and Needs of Families Affected by Imprisonment

In this report, IPRT highlights the rights and needs of children and families affected by imprisonment in Ireland.


Meeting Together – Deciding Together: Kids Participating in Case Planning Decisions that Affect Their Lives

In 2002, a group of people got together to better understand and find ways that kids could be more involved in making decisions that affect them.


Participation: Count me in!

This guide looks at a range of issues and practicalities that should be considered when undertaking a research project with children


Participation: Checking the scoreboard. Coach’s handbook.

This handbook will help groups reflect and take stock of how effectively kids are being included in their work, activities and decision-making processes.


Children and Clinical Research: Ethical Issues

Explores the challenges faced by researchers to undertake ethical research with children.


An examination of children and young people’s views on the impact of their participation in decision-making

This study explores the experiences of children and young people who have participated in participation initiatives held by the DCYA.


It’s about me: Young people’s experiences of participating in their Care Reviews

The main aim of this research is to explore young people’s experiences of participating in their care reviews.


Submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child on the General Comment on the Rights of Adolescents

Submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child on the General Comment on the Rights of Adolescents.


Hear by right: Setting standards for active involvement of young people in democracy

Hear by right: Setting standards for active involvement of young people in democracy.


Meaningful consent to participate in social research on the part of people under the age of eighteen

This article describes changes in conventions among social scientists undertaking research with children and young people over the last decade


Children’s Understandings of Wellbeing

This research aims to contribute to the development of National Child Well-being Indicators, a key action under the National Children’s Strategy.


A children’s right-based approach to involving children in decision-making

Children’s issues have become a greater priority on political agendas since the UN General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


General Comment No. 14: (2013) on the right of the child to have his or her best interests taken as a primary consideration

Children’s issues have become a greater priority on political agendas since the UN General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


The ethics of participatory research with children

This paper argues that ethical problems in research involving direct contact with children can be overcome by using a participatory approach.


Consent – What you have a right to expect, a guide for children and young people

Guide for children and young people on giving consent.


Children’s Rights and Research Processes: Assisting Children to Informed Views

The article reflects on a body of work with children as co-researchers and as participants.


Children and Justice: Professionals’ Perspectives and Experiences

Video documenting the views and experiences of professionals working with and on behalf of children in the justice system.


Children and Justice: Your Right to be Heard

Short clip for children on their right to be heard in the context of judicial proceedings.


Podcast with Veronica Yates of the Children’s Rights Information Network

Veronica Yates talks to Children’s Rights Policy Officer about the new Third Optional Protocol to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.


General Comment No. 17 (2013) on the right of the child to rest, leisure and play

This general comment seeks to highlight the importance of rest, leisure and play for chidren’s well-being and development.


General Comment No.16 (2013) on State obligations regarding the impact of the business sector on childrens rights

This General Comment considers the relationship between State obligations regarding children’s rights and the business sector.


Towards 2016 – Ten-Year Framework Social Partnership Agreement, 2006-2015.

Towards 2016 develops a new framework to address key social challenges, which individuals in Ireland face at each stage of life, including a dedicated section on the needs of children.


Ten Years On: Did the National Childrens Strategy deliver on its promises?

This review, undertaken by the Children’s Rights Alliance, in collaboration with our members, looks back at the ten years of the Strategy and assesses whether it has delivered on its objectives


Developing Childrens Participation: Lessons from a Participatory IT Project

This article describes and analyses the process used by Barnardos in developing and implementing a participatory approach in a children’s IT project in Galway City, Ireland.


Adolescent Friendly Quality Assessment Tools [AFQuATs]

The Adolescent Friendly Quality Assessment Tools [AFQuATs] are designed to provide a method for health service providers and planners to assess the quality of services for young people in relation to adolescent friendly quality standards.


National Strategy for Service User Involvement in the Irish Health Service 2008-2013

This strategy will build on the existing work undertaken and documented on service user involvement in health. This strategy has been developed to ensure a systematic and consistent approach to service user involvement across the health and social services.


Learning to listen: core principles for the involvement of children and young people

The government wants children and young people to have more opportunities to get involved in the design, provision and evaluation of policies and services that affect them or which they use. Actively involving children will produce better services.


Supporting Interculturalism in Youth Work, Practical Guidelines for doing Intercultural Youth Work

This document responds to Frequently Asked Questions that NYCI receives on the inclusion of cultural and minority ethnic young people and leaders in youth work.


I have rights, you have rights, he/she has rights … An introduction to childrens rights

A list of children’s rights governments must take to help children exercise set out in the 1989 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.


Hear by right — standards framework for the participation of children and young people

This is a guide developed by the UK National Youth Agency to enable organisations working with children and young people to develop best practice on the safe, sound and sustainable participation of children and young people in the services and activities


Charter on education for democratic citizenship and human rights education Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)7 (Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 11 May 2010 at the 120th Session)

This recommendation makes reference to Member states fostering the role of non-governmental organisations and youth organisations in education for democratic citizenship and human rights education, to include the UNCRC, especially in non-formal education.


Inclusive Education: “How Youth Can Make a Difference” and “How Children Can Make a Difference” DCIs International Campaign for Inclusive Education

Youth-friendly resources from DCI’s International Campaign for Inclusive Education.


Understanding and evaluating childrens participation: A review of contemporary literature

This document is the product of a literature review, fieldwork in India, Kenya and Ecuador and discussion with various practitioners and academics working on children’s participation.


Evaluating childrens participation: seeking areas of consensus

This article reviews some of the areas of consensus and debate during the symposium in Oslo on “Children’s Participation in Community Settings” and evaluates the complex question: how can participation be evaluated in ways that will encourage best practices.


Ethical Approaches to Gathering Information from Children and Adolescents in International Settings: Guidelines and Resources

To improve the lives of children and adolescents it is necessary to find out about their circumstances, their needs, and the services they require to meet their needs.


Researching Childrens Experience: Approaches and Methods

Researching Children’s Experience provides examples of how researchers from a variety of social science perspectives have set about carrying out research into children’s experience.


Building Capacity for Ethical Research with Children and Young People

The Board of the Childwatch International Research Network approved the establishment of a new Thematic Study Group to undertake an international scoping project entitled Building Capacity for Ethical Research with Children and Young People.


Valuing childrens potential: How childrens participation contributes to fighting poverty and social exclusion

The case studies presented in this book describe pioneering examples of where children are given a voice. This book is part of Eurochild’s contribution to the 2010 European Year


The social reintegration of children living and/or working on the streets Resolution 271 (2008); The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, Council of Europe The social reintegration of children living and/or working on the streets Recommendation

Regional policy detailing strategic approaches at all governance levels on the eradication of children living on the streets and the promotion of their rights.


Integration of young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods Resolution 319

The transition of young people to adult life can be a very unequal process: while some benefit from new opportunities, others experience vulnerability and exclusion.


Indigenous children and CRC General Comment No. 11

This General Comment pertains to the rights of indigenous children under the Convention, which specifically deals with Article 12 rights under paragraphs 37-39 of the General Comment.


Report of consultations with young people concerning harmful internet communications including cyber bullying in the Law Reform Commission Report Harmful Communications and Digital Safety

The Report of the consultation with young people concerning on harmful internet communications including cyberbullying


Have your say! Manual on the Revised European Charter on the Participation of young people in local and regional life

This charter is an instrument that young people can use to encourage local authorities to implement policies concerning them, as well as a tool for co-operation between young people, youth organisations, and local and regional authorities.


Campasito – manual on human rights education for children

The affirmation of the right of children to participate is one of the guiding principles and most progressive innovations of the Convention on the Rights of the Child


Compass – a manual on human rights education with young people

The programme was created because human rights education (HRE) – meaning educational programmes and activities that focus on promoting equality in human dignity – was, and remains, of incalculable value in shaping a dimension of democratic citizenship for all young people and in promoting a culture of universal human rights.


The Rights of Young People in Conflict with the Law

A youth-friendly list of internationally recognised rights applicable to young people worldwide.


Youth at the Table: What skills do I need to be great at governance?

The resource booklet contains a series of help and advice around important skills that you may need to be involved in governance and decisionmaking.


Advocacy Matters – helping children change their world An International Save the Children Alliance guide to advocacy: participants manual

This guide is for Save the Children staff and partners who are involved in advocacy. You can use it as a general advocacy resource.


Participation Models Citizens, Youth Online A chase through the maze

This publication outlines and examines all the models of participation and empowerment from Arnstein’s ‘Ladder of Citizen Participation’


Every child deserves a family

This report provides feedback to children who took part in the consultations for developing EveryChild’s conceptual framework.


Child Advisory Boards

Groups of young people supported by Plan, who engage with school authorities, the media, national development organisations and the United Nations to advocate for child rights.


Child Participation – how to involve children

The fifth meeting of the Forum provided the opportunity to discuss how to move forward on the EU strategy on the Rights of the Child.


The right of the child to protection from corporal punishment and other cruel and degrading forms of punishment General Comment No 8

The Convention on the Rights of the Child and other international human rights instruments recognize the right of the child to respect for the child’s human dignity and physical integrity and equal protection under the law.


Child-friendly justice – Perspectives and experiences of children involved in judicial proceedings as victims, witnesses or parties in nine EU Member States

The present report focuses on children who have been victims, witnesses or parties in judicial proceedings.


Focus groups with young people: a participatory approach to research

Experiences of conducting focus groups with young people as part of a participatory approach to research design and participant recruitment.


General Comment No. 15 (2013): The right of the child to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health

This general comment provides guidance and support to States parties and other duty-bearers to support them in respecting, protecting and fulfilling children’s right to enjoyment to the highest attainable standard of health.


General Comment No.9 (2006): The rights of children with disabilities

This general comment provides guidance and assistance to States parties in their efforts to implement the rights of children with disabilities in a comprehensive manner which covers all provisions of the Convention.


Childrens Voices in Housing Estate Regeneration

The goal of this research is to give a voice to children and young people in the context of housing estate regeneration.


Participation Framework

The Framework focuses on children and young people’s individual and collective participation in decision-making.


The Lundy Model

This model provides a pathway to help conceptualise Article 12 of the


The Child Poverty Act 2010: How local authorities can involve children and young people

This report aims to give local authorities a brief introduction to their duties under the Child Poverty Act, and in particular, provides further information on how to involve children and young people in work on poverty.


Conditions for Change for Children and Young Peoples Participation in Evaluation: Change-Scape

Using cases from Nepal and UK, the ‘Changescape’ structures the conditions that determine whether evidence from children participating in evaluation is utilised by decision-makers to shape services and inform strategic processes.


Childrens Geographies

Children’s Geographies is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes leading edge research and scholarship engaging with and advancing geographical and spatial perspectives on children, young people and families.


Children & Society

Children & Society is an international, interdisciplinary journal publishing high quality research and debate on all aspects of childhood and policies and services for children and young people.


Moving Beyond Youth Voice

Case Studies / Involving Traveller Children and Young People in Decision-making Moving Beyond Youth Voice Recorded 21st July 2016 Contributors Author: Joyce Serido, Lynne M. Borden, Daniel F. Perkins Publisher: Youth & Society Date: 2009 Geographic Coverage: Not location-specific Type of Resource: N/A Sector/setting: N/A Vulnerable groups: Children, Young People Developed with children and young [...]


Youth participation in Finland and in Germany: Status analysis and data based recommendations

This report is a comparative overview of youth participation in Germany and Finland. The project was launched in November 2007 as a bilateral cooperation initiative by the Finnish Ministry of Education and the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ).


National Action Plan for Social Inclusion, 2007-2016

The Government is committed to a coherent strategy for social inclusion based on the lifecycle approach set out in the national partnership agreement towards 2016


Independent Institutions Protecting Children’s Rights UNICEF Innocenti Digest No. 8

This issue of the UNICEF Innocenti Digest examines the role and functions of exisiting Ombudsmen and Commissioners for Children and their success in protecting and promoting children’s rights.


Youth Work Act 2001

An act to extend the functions of vocational education committees in relation to youth work, to provide for the making of grants in respect of youth work, to provide for the appointment of an assessor of youth work and his or her functions under the act.


Revised European Charter on the participation of the young people in local and regional life’ Recommendation 128

The revised Charter advocates adequate support and commitment to the implementation of youth participation policies and practices


Teenspace – National Recreation Policy for Young People

The aims of the research were to determine what young Irish people do in their free time and what are the barriers and supports they experience and their aspirations with regard to recreation and leisure.


An Audit of Children and Young People’s Participation in Decision-Making

The aim of this study was to document activity in statutory and non-statutory organisations that enables participation by children and young people (under the age of 18) in decision-making that affects their lives.


Teenagers views on Solutions to Alcohol Misuse. Report on a National Consultation.

In 2007, the Minister for Children announced that his Office would consult with teenagers on alcohol misuse. The consultations were designed to explore how young people themselves view teenage drinking.


The Agenda for Children’s Services: Reflective Questions for HSE Senior Managers

The aim of The Agenda is to assist policy-makers, managers and front-line practitioners to engage in reflective practice.

Children & Young people consultation Youth Friendly Report


Consultations with Children & Young People for the Family Justice Oversight Group (Youth-friendly Version)

The Family Justice Oversight group, formed by Helen McEntee Minister for Justice, is currently developing a plan for the family justice system for Ireland.

how was school today


So, How was School Today?

Comhairle na nÓg National Executive developed this survey in response to Comhairle members, who identified their top issue as the need for young people to have a stronger say on what happens in the classroom.


Bhuel, Conas A Bhí an Scoil Inniu?

Comhairle na nÓg National Executive developed this survey in response to Comhairle members, who identified their top issue as the need for young people to have a stronger say on what happens in the classroom.

Comhairliuchan UPR & UNCRPD UNCRC Le Leanai agus Daoine Oga


What We Think – UNCRC, UPR, & UNCRPD Consultation with Children & Young People Gaeilge

Chuaigh an Roinn Leanaí, Comhionannais, Míchumais, Lánpháirtíochta agus Óige (DCEDIY) i gcomhairle le leanaí agus daoine óga chun a gcuid tuairimí maidir le cearta leanaí in Éirinn a chloisteáil.

Consultation with young people on cancer prevention behaviours


Consultation with Young People on Cancer Prevention Behaviours

The HSE National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP) in conjunction with the DCEDIY and the National Participation Office undertook a consultation with young people on skin cancer prevention behaviours in 2021.


Young Voices in Sport Toolkit

Toolkit for Involving Young Members in Decision-Making

Author: Sport Ireland


Child and youth participation in Finland: A Council of Europe policy review

Review of child participation in Finland based on the Framework for the policy review process of the Council of Europe policy review on child and youth participation 2010-2011


Children’s Right to be Heard in Global Climate Change Negotiations

This report presents the case for children’s participation in climate change negotiations and makes recommendations for their involvement.


Children’s Participation in Decision-making

The Ombudsman for Children’s Office (OCO) promotes the rights and welfare of children and young people under 18 years of age living in Ireland.


’Education and social inclusion of children and young people with autism spectrum disorders’ Recommendation CM/Rec(2009)9 (Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 21 October 2009

This recommendation is aimed at member states adopting legislation and policies to provide enabling structures to mitigate the effects of autism spectrum disorder and to facilitate the social integration, & improve the living conditions.


Facing the crisis supporting children through positive care options

This paper explores a range of options to better support the care and protection of children at risk of separation from their families or needing substitute care. It aims to move beyond the critique of residential care provided in A Last Resort.


International Journal of Childrens Rights

The articles in the preeminent International Journal of Children’s Rights reflect the perspectives of a broad range of disciplines and contribute to a greater understanding of children


Results of an International Survey regarding Children’s Participation in Decision-Making Following Parental Separation

The survey explored how children’s participation rights are respected in post-separation decision-making in international family law contexts, including a focus on the legislative mechanisms and on the factors that facilitated, or hindered, children’s parents.


Childhood Journal

Childhood is a major international peer reviewed journal and a forum for research relating to children in global society.


Ten Tips For Legal Professionals: Meaningful Child Participation In Family Justice Processes

This guide provides 10 tips to help legal professionals involve children in family justice processes so that they and their families are better served.


Forum for Young People in Care

This report presents the findings of a Forum for Young People in Care established by the Irish Association of Young People in Care (now EPIC) and HSE Dublin North.


The right to be properly researched: research with children in a messy, real world

Editorial from a Special Issue of Children’s Geographies on developing rights-based methodolgies.


Healthy Lifestyles – Have your say. A report of consultations with children and young people

A report of the results of a national consultation of children and young people conducted by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs and the Department of Health to help inform the development of the new national strategy to combat obesity.


Is the honeymoon over? Children and young people’s participation in public decision-making

Children and young people’s participation in public decision-making is now firmly on international and national agendas. This article concludes the special issue on such participation, by discussing three central issues for children.


Face to Face: Children and Young People’s Right to Participate in Public Decision-making

The studies discussed here suggest that face-to-face engagement between rights-holders and duty-bearers holds a distinctive place among participative methods.


From rhetoric to practice: Bridging the gap between what we believe and what we do

This paper discusses the practical reasons for the disjuncture between the rhetoric and the practice of promoting children’s participation, including participation being a means to an end versus an end itself.


Guidelines for Research with Children and Young People

These guidelines are aimed at assisting researchers who are thinking about involving children and young people in their work. The guidelines provide practical advice to the researcher on how to involve children and young people through all stages.


Youth as Researchers Training Manual

The manual provides a step-by-step guide for young people carrying out a research project and the accompanying workbook is designed to complement the training by suggesting practical tasks to support the research process.


Participation of Children and Young People: Our Approach

TUSLA have come up with an approach to participation to make sure that children’s views are taken into account in decisions that affect them.


Concluding Observations: Ireland, CRC/CO/2, 29 September 2006.

The Committee considered the second periodic report of Ireland (CRC/C/IRL/2) at its 1182nd and 1184th meetings (see CRC/C/SR1182 and 1184), held on 20 September 2006, and adopted at its 1199th meeting, held on 29 September 2006 its concluding observations


Annexes – Child-friendly justice -Perspectives and experiences of children involved in judicial proceedings as victims, witnesses or parties in nine EU Member States

This report presents the findings of the second phase of FRA’s fieldwork research on child-friendly justice.


Ombudsman for Children Annual Report 2017

The Ombudsman for Children’s Office (OCO) promotes the rights and welfare of children and young people under 18 years of age living in Ireland.


Participation of youth in decision‐making procedures during residential care: A narrative review

This narrative literature review focuses on the opportunities of young people to participate, the challenges and facilitators to participation, and the outcomes of care related to participation.


Child and Youth Participation Toolkit – Tusla

This toolkit has been developed through a collaborative process involving a number of Tusla staff­ and managers, key stakeholders, community voluntary groups, and young people.


Does organized sport participation during youth predict healthy habits in adulthood? A 28 year longitudinal study

This study aimed to investigate the association between participation in organized youth sport and adult healthy lifestyle habits.


In defence of tokenism? Implementing childrens right to participate in collective decision-making

This article revisits the concept and practice of tokenism in collective child participation, querying whether it is accurate to describe it as ‘non-participation’ and assessing the extent to which it may offer a useful and sometimes necessary step on the journey to more respectful and meaningful engagement with children.


The Voice of the Child in Child Protection: Whose Voice?

This paper draws upon research undertaken in Scotland but the findings of the study are relevant across the UK and beyond.


The Voice of the Child in Social Work Assessments: Age-Appropriate Communication with Children

This article describes a child-centred method for engaging with children involved in the child protection and welfare system.


Consulting with children with disabilities as service-users : practical and methodological considerations

This project was undertaken in response to a request from the Social Services Inspectorate (SSI) to undertake a review which would assist the Social Services Inspectorate to prepare for the inspection of children’s residential centres for children.


‘A school for children with rights’ UNICEF Innocenti Lecture

This lecture examines the significance of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child for modern education policy. Articles 28 and 29 of the Convention, which aims pertain to education rights, are analysed against the four guiding principles.


Conceptualizing the role of adults within youth-adult partnerships: An example from practice

This paper conceptualizes the specific roles that adults provide and the complex interactions between youth and adults that emerge within youth participation efforts.


‘Aims of education’ General Comment No. 1

Compliance with the values recognized in article 29 (1) of the UNCRC, which sets down the aims of education, clearly requires that schools be child-friendly in the fullest sense of the term and that they be consistent in all respects.


‘Children’s Participation in the Decision-Making Process During Hospitalisation: an observational study’

Twenty-four children (aged 5 months to 18 years) who were admitted to a university hospital were observed for a total of 135 hours with the aim of describing their degree of participation in decisions concerning their own care.


The Adolescent Perspective on Participation in Treatment Decision Making: A Pilot Study

The purpose of this study was to determine whether 3 adolescents diagnosed with cancer within the previous 3 to 6 months and between 13 and 15 years of age were capable of providing data directly regarding decision making. 


‘Children’s participation in consultations and decision-making at health service level: A review of the literature’

This paper critiques the research literature from between 1993 and 2007 on children’s, parents and healthcare professionals’ experiences of children’s participation in consultations and decision-making within the Irish healthcare setting. 


‘Participation and health – a research review of child participation in planning and decision-making’

The purpose of this study is to review the research evidence for effects, positive or negative, of participation on health outcomes for children in care. A scoping review of major health and social work research databases was undertaken. 


Adolescent friendly health services: an agenda for change

This report documents effective ways to promote young people’s meaningful participation in receiving health care services and/or basic information as a person in their own right and in a non-judgemental manner within a global context. 


Its Our Brexit Too: Childrens Rights, Childrens Voices

This is a report on the views, hopes and fears of young people, North and South, and is the outcome of a unique cross-border conference


‘Adolescent health and development in the context of the CRC’ General Comment No. 4

This General Comment outlines the right of young people to express views freely and have them duly taken into account (art. 12) which is fundamental in realising adolescents’ right to health and development.


Learning to listen: consulting children and young people with disabilities

This report is based on a consultation with disabled children and young people in London in 2000. It focuses on the methods and processes of carrying out such a consultation-consent issues, how to structure consultation sessions and tools used. 


“Take My Hand” Young Peoples Experiences of Mental Health Services

“Take My Hand” report highlights young people’s experiences of, and perspectives on mental health services.


The participation of children and young people in care: insights from an analysis of national inspection reports in the Republic of Ireland

This paper outlines findings in relation to participation standards in HIQA foster care, residential care and special care inspection reports over a two-year period from 2013 to 2015.


Promoting the rights of children with disabilities Inoocenti Digest No. 13

The Innocenti Digest on Promoting the Rights of children with disabilities. 


Deinstitutionalisation and community living of children with disabilities

This recommendation aims to promote the deinstitutionalisation of children with disabilities and their life in the community.


Development and testing of an assessment of youth/young adult voice in agency-level advising and decision making

This paper describes the development and validation of the Youth/Young Adult Voice at the Agency Level (Y-VAL), an assessment of the extent to which agencies have implemented best practices for supporting meaningful participation.


Justifying children and young peoples involvement in social research: Assessing Harm and Benefit.

When children and young people’s involvement in research is increasingly the norm, this article reflects on the importance of a well-reasoned and transparent justification for their inclusion or exclusion


Listen to them! The challenge of capturing the true voice of young people within early intervention and prevention models; a youth work perspective

Exploring the challenges to youth work in capturing the voices of young people in a meaningful way within Meitheal and the Child and Family Support Networks model.


National Child Participation Strategy: Building a Caring Society. Together.

This document provides a common framework to guide government and civil society to promote the meaningful participation of children in South Africa.


Promoting the Participation of Seldom Heard Young People: A Review of the Literature on Best Practice Principles

Reviewing the national and international literature on the participation of seldom heard young people and to identify best practice principles in the field.


Working with young people: A national study of youth work provision and policy in contemporary Ireland

This study provides a context to the provision and policy of Irish youth work. It identified that over 43,000 young people participated in youth work groups across Ireland.


The Irish National Children’s Strategy: Lessons for promoting the social inclusion of children and young people

This article describes the origins, development and contents of the Irish National Children’s Strategy, noting the links to the wider imperative of social inclusion.


Space, Voice, Audience and Influence: The Lundy Model of Participation (2007) in Child Welfare Practice

The purpose of this article is to share examples of how practitioners working in Ireland’s child protection and welfare services implement these concepts in practice


‘Will you listen? Young voices from conflict zones’ Machel study 10-year strategic review: children and conflict in a changing world

UNICEF was a co-convenor of this 10th-anniversary strategic review of the issues raised in the landmark 1996 Machel study on the impacts of conflict on children, which aims to serve as an advocacy and policy tool on children and armed conflict.


The impact of children and young peoples participation on policy making

A report commissioned by the Scottish Government to explore the impact children and young people’s participation has had on policy-making in Scotland.


Youth Participation Good Practices in Different Forms of Regional and Local Democracy

Youth in Europe are politically engaged and having their say at the local level in many fields of democracy


“I want my experiences to make a difference” promoting participation in policy-making and service development by young people who have experienced violence

This paper explores participation, by young people who have experienced violence, in policy and practice developments.


Childrens participation in national policymaking: “Youre so adorable, adorable, adorable! Im speechless; so much fun!”

This study portrays patterns of children’s participation in public policymaking and characterize various adults’ reactions to children’s participation.


Including Children’s Voices in a Multiple Stakeholder Study on a Community-wide Approach to Improving Quality in Early Years Setting

The main objective of the intervention programme is to measurably improve the lives of children (pre-birth to six years) and families.


Voices of Young People. Young Peoples Views on Reform of the Junior Cycle.

A consultation with young people on the reform of the Junior Cycle took place in November 2010.


Listen to Our Voices, Hearing Children and Young People Living in the Care of the State

This report publishes the findings of conducting a consultation process with children in the care of the State.


Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures: the National Policy Framework for Children and Young People 2014-2020

Better Outcomes Brighter Futures is the first overarching national children’s policy framework for children and young people aged 0-24.


National Strategy on Children and Young Peoples Participation in Decision-Making 2015-2020

This report documents a whole-of-government strategy, with the Department of Children and Youth Affairs having responsibility for policy leadership & support.

Separated, asylum-seeking children in European Union Member States


‘Article 19: the right of the child to freedom from all forms of violence’ General Comment No. 13

When appropriate, juvenile or family specialised courts and criminal procedures should be established for child victims of violence. This could include the establishment of specialized units within the police, the judiciary and the prosecutor’s office.

Children and young people in care rights


‘Treatment of unaccompanied and separated children outside their country of origin’ General Comment No. 6

Article 12 of the Convention allows for a well-informed expression of views and wishes of unaccompanied minors, as it is imperative that such children are provided with all relevant information concerning, for example, their entitlements, services available.

Children and young people in care rights


‘Evaluating Children’s Participation in SEN Procedures: Lessons for educational psychologists’

This paper reports the findings from a study of the participation of children with special educational needs (SEN) in decision-making about their needs in a sample of mainstream schools which were self-selected for having promising practices.

Developing ethical research projects involving children


Guidance for Developing Ethical Research Projects Involving Children

Case Studies / Involving Traveller Children and Young People in Decision-making Guidance for Developing Ethical Research Projects Involving Children Published 2012 View Report Contributors Author: Department of Children and Youth Affairs Publisher: Department of Children and Youth Affairs Date: 2012 Geographic Coverage: Ireland Type of Resource: Guidance Sector/setting: Government Vulnerable groups: Children, Young People Developed [...]


Children and young people in care Discover your rights!

This publication aims to promote knowledge on the care system in a child-friendly manner, including a child’s rights as a young person in care and how to effectively communicate with professionals in order to empower the child.


Supporting childrens rights through education, the arts, and media (SCREAM): Education Pack

The education pack, which forms the basis of the SCREAM programme, is made up of 14 educational modules and a User’s Guide.


Violence against children in conflict with the law: A study on indicators and data collection in Belgium, England and Wales, France and the NetherlandsViolence against children in conflict with the law: A study on indicators and data collection in Belgium, England and Wales, France and the Netherlands

Children deprived of their liberty and placed in detention are at extreme risk of violence


The private sector as a service provider Day of General Discussion (2002)

The Committee discussed the theme “The private sector as service provider and its role in implementing Child Rights”.


Minimum standards for consulting with children

The Minimum Standards on Consulting with Children were developed to facilitate and support the participation of children in formal consultations


Childrens participation in decision-making: why do it, when to do it, how to do it

This booklet shows how to put children’s participation into practice. It is for everyone in roles of public leadership and service, answering questions about how and when children’s participation is needed.


So you want to consult with children? A toolkit of good practice

This toolkit of good practice has been designed to offer advice, ideas and guidance for involving children in consultations.


Participation – Spice it Up! Practical tools for engaging children and young people in planning and consultations

The Book “Participation – Spice It Up!” is packed full of practical tools and ideas for engaging children and young people.


Promoting childrens meaningful and ethical participation in the UN global study on violence against children: a short guide for members of the NGO advisory panel and others

This is a study of how children and young people face violence all over the world and what can be done to stop it. 


Safe you and safe me – violence is NOT ok: a Save the Children contribution to the United Nations Secretary-Generals study on violence against children

A child-friendly art-therapy workbook designed to help children to learn about the types of violence faced by children throughout the world and give them.


Policy and Literature Review of Goal 1 of the National Children’s Strategy, 2000-2010

This strategy recognises that children have an innate dignity as human beings; enrich the quality of all our lives; are especially vulnerable; thrive through the love and support of a family life; should be supported to explore, enjoy and develop their varied talents; and need help to learn responsibility as they grow towards adulthood and full citizenship.

ombudsman logo


A Report on the Involvement of Children and Young People in the Recruitment of the Ombudsman for Children

Case Studies / Involving Traveller Children and Young People in Decision-making A Report on the Involvement of Children and Young People in the Recruitment of the Ombudsman for Children: 2015 Read Report Contributors Author: Department of Children and Youth Affairs Publisher: Department of Children and Youth Affairs Date: 2015 Geographic Coverage: National Type of Resource: [...]
Garda Youth Diversion Projects


Report on Consultations with Young People Engaged in Garda Youth Diversion Projects

This report details the findings of consultations with young people on Garda Youth Diversion Projects (GYDPs).


Toolkit for the Development of a Childrens Services Committees, 2nd Edition

This is a summary of the initiative to develop and implement a planning model for national and local interagency working to improve outcomes for children.


United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice (“The Beijing Rules”)

Child participation is enshrined in these guidelines in the context of children who come into conflict with the law, e.g. the right to be notified of the charges; the right to confront and cross-examine witnesses etc. which is afforded by basic procedural


First Annual Report on the implementation of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Intersex (LGBTI+) National Youth Strategy 2018–2020

The actions initiated in the first year of implementation have focused on the lives of LGBTI+ young people across a range of sectors.


Report of the Taskforce on Active Citizenship

In this Report, we set out our vision of what it means to be an active citizen – and how individuals might be supported and encouraged to be active citizens. This is a big task – and we don’t pretend to have all the answers.


Children’s rights in juvenile justice’ General Comment No. 10

This General Comment, like all, must be read in conjunction with Article 12, one of the four guiding principles of the Convention, which enshrines the child’s right to be heard.


The Voice of the Child in Private Family Law Proceedings: A Comparative Review

This comparative review reports on the outcomes of a phase 1 of a research project being undertaken by the Child Law Clinic at University College Cork that will examine the effectiveness of arrangements for ascertaining the views of children in private family law proceedings in Ireland.


Children’s Participation in Child Welfare: A Systematic Review of Systematic Reviews

The objective of this research was to conduct a systematic review of systematic reviews related to Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) as it relates to children and young people involved with child welfare agencies.


Child/Youth Evaluation Form for Individuals

This form enables individual children and young people to evaluate meetings and other engagements with adult decision-makers.


Child/Youth Evaluation Form for Groups Meeting Face-to-Face

This form enables children and young people to evaluate face-to-face meetings or consultations.


Child/Youth Evaluation Forms for Groups Meeting Online

This form enables children and young people to evaluate online meetings, consultations, surveys and other activities.


Evaluation Checklist

A tool for self-evaluation and external evaluation to be used by departments, agencies and organisations.


Everyday Spaces Checklist

Gives guidance to adults on listening to children and young people and giving them a voice in decision-making in everyday spaces.


Planning Checklist

Gives guidance to departments, agencies and organisations on listening to children and young people.


Refugee and Migrant Children’s Views of Integration and Belonging in School in Ireland – and the Role of Micro- and Meso-level Interactions

This article focuses on micro-and meso-level interactions and their importance to experiences of belonging and socio-educational integration for migrant children. It explores outcomes from qualitative research in Ireland conducted as part of a European research project investigating the socio-educational integration of refugee and migrant children in schools.

life as a child an young person in ireland


Life as a Child and Young Person in Ireland – Report of a National Consultation

This report, Life as a Child and Young Person in Ireland: Report of a National Consultation, documents the views of 66,705 children and young people.


Child Friendly Communication at Events

The aim should be to create an atmosphere in which children feel comfortable, respected and valued, and that they belong.

Author: Dr Michelle Templeton and Prof Laura Lundy


Creating child-friendly versions of written documents

If it’s friendly for the adults, it should be friendly for the kids. And if it’s friendly for the kids,it will also be more friendly for the adults.

Author: Professor Laura Lundy


Tusla Child and Youth Participation Toolkit

The Tusla Child and Youth Participation Toolkit is a ‘quick reference’ document to support skilled practice.

Author: Dr. Celia Keenaghan and Dr. Sue Redmond


Sharing the Stage

This is a toolkit for organisations who want children and young people’s participation to move from rhetoric to reality.

Author: NSW Commission for Children and Young People


The Representation of Children’s Participation in Guidelines for Planning and Designing Public Playspaces: A Scoping Review with “Best Fit” Framework Synthesis

This review generated inclusive strategies in planning public playspaces, which could support local policymakers in this complex multi-layered process.


Report on the Consultations with Young People for the Citizens Assembly on Drugs Use

This report sets out the key findings and overall messages from a series of consultations with young people about the impact of drug use on their lives, their families and communities that took place during the period November 2022 – March 2023.


First 5 Report on the National Consultation with Young Children

Children aged 3–5 years are at an incredibly important stage of their life. Within the last decade they have been increasingly prioritised within Irish policy

how we see it


How We See It: Report of a Survey on Young People’s Body Image

During 2010, the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs (OMCYA) conducted a consultation process with children living in the care of the State.

Hub na nog consultation


Report of a Consultation With Young People on Reform of the Junior Cycle

A consultation with young people on the reform of the Junior Cycle took place in November 2010.

life skills matter feature


Life Skills Matter – Not Just Points

Life skills matter – not just points is an important milestone in children and young people having a voice on issues that affect their lives.


Seldom Heard Toolkit

A manual for practitioners on how to include ‘seldom-heard’ children and
young people in organisations and events.

Author: Olivia McEvoy


Comhairle na nÓg Toolkit (2nd Edition)

The Toolkit has been developed to support the work of those who organise and run the 31 Comhairlí na nÓg throughout the country.

Author: DCEDIY (formerly DCYA)

hows your head


How’s Your Head

In the summer of 2020, the Department of Children and Youth Affairs, working with the Department of Health and the youth sector, collaborated with


The Representation of Children’s Participation in Guidelines for Planning and Designing Public Playspaces: A Scoping Review with “Best Fit” Framework Synthesis

In this scoping review, we aim to analyze guidelines and identify strategies for supporting children’s participation rights when planning public playspaces.


Children’s Opportunities for Play in the Built Environment: A Scoping Review

Designing opportunities for play in the built environment is crucial to support children’s health and development. A growing research focus on child-friendly environments has evidenced a shift toward creating spaces and buildings that take children’s needs seriously and work with children as capable experts and active collaborators. Yet, limited attention has focused on how different scholars conceptualise and operationalise research on understanding and designing opportunities for play in the built environment. This paper reports on the findings of a scoping review of peer-reviewed empirical literature (51 publications) from 1994 to 2019.


The Relation Between Children’s Participation in Their Daily Life and Their Subjective Well-Being

Children’s well-being and children’s right to participation are important concepts for those striving to improve children’s lives. Recent years have brought growing conceptual recognition that children’s rights, particularly children’s right to participation, are part of their well-being. However, these two concepts have been addressed separately, especially in research, as they are seen as two different goals of children’s lives.

what we think feature


What We Think | UNCRC, UPR, and UNCRPD Consultation 2021 with Children and Young People

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) undertook a series of consultations with children and young people to secure their views on the implementation of children’s rights in Ireland.

Making our voices heard


Comhairle na nÓg Showcase 2014: Making Our Voices Heard

A national event took place in Croke Park, Dublin on the 20th November 2014. With 500 young people and Youth workers from around Ireland (members of Comhairle na nÓg), the Taoiseach, the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs


The Rights of the Child: Legal, Political and Ethical Challenges

How can human rights for children born outside their national jurisdiction with parents deemed as terrorists be safeguarded? In what ways do children risk being discriminated in their welfare rights in Sweden when treated as invisible part of a family? How can we do research on children’s rights in not just ethically sensitive ways but also with respect for children as rights subjects? And what could be a theory on social justice for children? These are questions discussed in studies from different disciplines concerning children’s international human rights, with a special focus on the realization of the CRC in Sweden.


Creat Náisiúnta maidir le Rannpháirtíocht Leanaí agus Daoine Óga i gCinnteoireacht

Díríonn an Creat ar rannpháirtíocht aonair agus chomhchoiteann leanaí agus daoine óga sa chinnteoireacht.


Samhail Lundy

Soláthraíonn an tsamhail seo conair chun cuidiú le coincheapú a dhéanamh ar Airteagal 12 de Chonradh na Gaeilge.


Seicliosta Pleanála

Tugann sé treoir do ranna, gníomhaireachtaí agus eagraíochtaí maidir le héisteacht le leanaí agus le daoine óga.


Seicliosta Spásanna Laethúla

Tugann sé treoir maidir le héisteacht le leanaí agus le daoine óga agus le guth a thabhairt dóibh i gcinnteoireacht i spásanna laethúla.


Seicliosta Meastóireacta

Uirlis le haghaidh féinmheastóireachta agus meastóireachta seachtraí le húsáid ag ranna, gníomhaireachtaí agus eagraíochtaí.


Foirmí Aiseolais Leaní agus Daoine Óga (do Dhaoine Aonair)

Cuireann an fhoirm seo ar chumas leanaí aonair agus daoine óga measúnú a dhéanamh ar chruinnithe le cinnteoirí fásta.


Foirmí Aiseolais Leaní agus Daoine Óga (Cruinniu Aghaidh ar Aghaidh)

Cuireann an fhoirm seo ar chumas leanaí agus daoine óga cruinnithe nó comhairliúcháin duine le duine a mheas.


Foirmí Aiseolais Leaní agus Daoine Óga (do Ghrúpaí Ar Líne)

Uirlis le haghaidh féinmheastóireachta agus meastóireachta seachtraí le húsáid ag ranna, gníomhaireachtaí agus eagraíochtaí.

report of consultations with children in after school care


Report of Consultations With Children on After-school Care

There has been an increasing focus on developing policy in the area of after-school care in Ireland in the past two years.


Caselaw of the European Court of Human Rights (on Children’s Rights)

Webpage with links to caselaw of European Court of Human Rights on children’s rights.

harmful communications


Report of Consultations With Young People Concerning Harmful Internet Communications Including Cyber Bullying

This Report forms part of the Commission’s Fourth Programme of Law Reform. It arises against the reality that we live in a truly interconnected digital and online world.


Voice of the Infant Best Practice Guidelines and Infant Pledge

The Voice of the Infant Best Practice Guidelines and Infant Pledge have been coproduced by a short-life working group.


Headphones, Odd Shoes & A Second Chance at Life

EPIC invited the participation of children and young people with disabilities who are, or have been in care, with whom they work. The study was structured to ensure appropriate levels of support and accountability, and to allow the meaningful participation of the children and young people.


Children’s Human Rights to ‘Participation’ and ‘Protection’: Rethinking the Relationship Using Barnahus as a Case Example

The relationship between children’s human rights to protection and to what is commonly referred to as ‘participation’ has received significant attention


Guide for Children and Young People to the Council of Europe Strategy for the Rights of the Child (2022-2027)

Protecting the rights of the child is at the core of the Council of Europe’s mission to safeguard human rights, uphold democracy and preserve the rule of law.


How to Write a Child-friendly Document

A guide to advancing children’s rights, and develop or guide the development of child-friendly information.

Author: Save the Children


Report on Consultation with Young Carers

This report presents the findings of the consultations with young carers from across Ireland.


“This is My Life, and I Don’t Want to Waste a Year of It”- The Experiences and Wellbeing of Children Fleeing Ukraine

Since the escalation of conflict in Ukraine on 24 February 2022, more than 1,000 children have been killed or injured in the country.


Youth Homelessness Strategy 2023-2025 – Infographic

In the years since the last Children’s Report, children’s lives in Ireland have undoubtedly changed significantly. As with the rest of the world, the Covid 19 pandemic hit children in Ireland hard.


Youth Homelessness Strategy 2023-2025

A 3-year strategy working towards ending homelessness for young people aged 18-24 through prevention and exits; and improving the experience of young people accessing emergency accommodation.


Responsible Innovation in Technology for Children: Digital Technology, Play and Child Well-being (Phase 1 Report)

New research from UNICEF Innocenti and Western Sydney University explores the question: what does well-being mean to children in a digital age? This first-phase report prioritises the voices of children, collected through workshops with over 300 children from 13 countries along with analysis of existing survey data from 34,000 children aged 9-17 across 30 countries.


Report on the Consultations with Minority Ethnic Young People

This report presents the findings of the consultations with young people from minority ethnic backgrounds.

LGBTI+ national youth strategy


LGBTI+ National Youth Strategy 2018-2020: Consultations Report

This Report represents a big step forward towards delivering the world’s first Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Intersex+ (LGBTI+) National Youth Strategy


The Rights of the Child and What This Means for Teachers

Teachers invariably want to do right by children in their classrooms. Increasingly, this means listening to children and acting on their views. Listening to “student voice” and incorporating children’s views about education in classroom and school decision making is important if we want to encourage authentic forms of belonging, wellbeing, learning, and achievement that really matter to children

report of consultations with children


Report on Consultation With Children and Young People on Adoption Regulations

This report details the findings of consultations with children and young people to inform the drafting of adoption regulations that will set out how the Adoption Authority of Ireland or Court will hear the views of the child in his or her adoption order hearings.


Pieces of Us – A Children’s Report to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child

In the years since the last Children’s Report, children’s lives in Ireland have undoubtedly changed significantly. As with the rest of the world, the Covid 19 pandemic hit children in Ireland hard, and the full impact of public health restrictions on their education, health and mental health, family and other personal relationships is still largely unknown and emerging.


Children’s Participation in Child Protection—How do Practitioners Understand Children’s Participation in Practice?

Children’s participation is essential to achieve good outcomes for children involved in child protection systems. Despite this, research has consistently found children report low levels of participation, are poorly consulted and feel inadequately involved in decisions about their lives. To explore how practitioners understand children’s participation, 18 in-depth interviews were conducted with statutory child protection practitioners in Australia.


Analysis of Youth Creative Participation (LCYP Laois Offaly)

How children and young people were involved in research analysing youth creative participation and engagement


Hear our Voices!

These instructions will ensure children’s views are listened to and considered in every aspect of The Ark and beyond!


Children’s Participation in Practice: Comparing the Views of Managers and Practitioners in an Early Intervention and Prevention Programme

Participation is the active involvement of children and young people in decision-making regarding issues that affect their lives


Developing a School Charter

How the Irish Secondary Students Union (ISSU) involved young people in the development of a charter for inclusive schools.


Everyday Participation in Family Support Programme

How a family support service listens to and acts on the views of children during their engagement in a family support programme.


Youth Talk, We Listen

How Jigsaw involved young people in an online youth mental health event ‘Youth Talk, We Listen’


Consultation on Tusla Services for Children

How young people from were involved in developing key messages for adults who deliver services to children and young people.


The Voice of Children in a Community Garden

How Kerry Local Creative Youth Partnership involved children in a lunchtime and after-school garden project in a primary school.


UNICEF – EU – DCEDIY Collection of Case Studies

Report on the development of a collection of good practice case studies on children and young people’s participation in decision-making.


Everyday Participation in Service Provision

How the Irish Wheelchair Association involves young people in day-to-day decision-making in its young adult services.


Everyday Spaces in a Classroom

How a primary school teacher ensures that children are given a voice in decision-making on what happens in the classroom every day.


Children as Experiencers: Increasing Engagement, Participation and Inclusion for Young Children in the Museum

This research aimed to evaluate young children’s engagement, participation and inclusion within a city museum by utilising observations and semi structured interviews with children and families.


Office of the Ombudsman for Children – No Filter: A Survey of Children’s Experiences of the Covid Pandemic

No Filter – A survey of children’s experience of the Covid-19 pandemic was carried out by the Ombudsman for Children’s Office (OCO) in conjunction with Amárach Research. No Filter was an online survey open to children between the ages of 9-17 years in Ireland. A small number of students aged 18 and over who are still in school also completed the survey.


European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, Volume 30, Issue 1 (2022)

Special issue on the theme of eliciting the voice of children from birth to seven.


Seeing Lockdown Through the Eyes of Children from Around the World: Reflecting on a Children’s Artwork Project

This summary report presents key messages that young people have identified as key experiences and priority concerns during the pandemic since November 2020.


A Qualitative Study of Child Participation in Decision-making: Exploring Rights-based Approaches in Pediatric Occupational Therapy

This qualitative study described the decision-making experiences of children, parents and therapists in occupational therapy.


Study of Perception of Parents and Their Children About Day-to-day Outdoor Play Spaces

The quantitative study and analysis highlights different aspects like play and mobility range, open space visitation, activities of children.


Supporting Languages: The Socio-educational Integration of Migrant and Refugee Children and Young People

This article draws on data from IMMERSE which uses participatory and co-creation methodologies with children, parents, educators and policy-makers.


Making Waves: A Cross-study Analysis of Young People’s Participation Arenas in Scotland’s Schools

This research aimed to evaluate young children’s This article compares democratic participation research in Scottish schools over a 10-year period.


The Nine Basic Requirements for Meaningful and Ethical Children’s Participation

Serves to ensure quality child participation in ‘all processes in which a child or children are heard and participate’.

Author: Save the Children


Children’s Views on Children’s Rights: A Systematic Literature Review

This systematic literature review aimed to investigate children’s views of children’s rights, at a broad level.


Youth First: A Canadian Youth-led Initiative in the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Youth First focused on creating safe and interactive spaces in cyberspace for young people during the pandemic.


“The Pandemic is Galvanizing Change”: Shifting to a Critical and Decolonial Approach to Human Rights Education with Youth

COVID-19 reveals the vital role of human rights education (HRE) in combatting racial discrimination and safeguarding youth civil rights.


ISSU Student Council Handbook – an A-Z on All Things Student Council

This document has been created to meet the needs of student councils at all levels – from those starting from scratch, to those who wish to just improve their functioning, and those who have a proven track record of affecting change in their school community Created by students, we hope this is a useful resource for your student council and helps you to further student voice in your school community. Further resources, including action plans on specific issues, “off-the-shelf campaigns and student resources are available on the ISSU website.


Student Councils That Work: Reviewing and Improving Student Voice in NI Schools

The aim of the article is to champion and celebrate School Councils in Northern Ireland and identify ways to support and enhance their work.


‘Seeing Voices’ – Voice of the Child Project 2021

The Voice of the Child project was initiated by The Genesis Programme under Louth LEADER Partnership’s ABC Programme and funded by CYPSC.


Decolonising Concepts of Participation and Protection in Sensitive Research with Young People: Local Perspectives and Decolonial Strategies of Palestinian Research Advisors

Scholars in childhood research have been reconsidering whether the participation of children and young people in sensitive research is necessary. This paper questions whether some of these objections arise out of colonial attitudes towards childhood, young people, human rights, and research.


European Convention on Human Rights

The European Convention on Human Rights is a regional human rights treaty adopted by the Council of Europe in 1950.


Engaging Girls with Disabilities Through Cellphilming: Reflections on Participatory Visual Research as a Means of Countering Violence in the Global South

Despite the fact that most countries have ratified the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child, girls with disabilities experience multiple forms of violence and oppression.


#ScotYouthandCOVID2 – Children and Young People’s Participation Through Crisis

The findings detailed here explore the experiences and ideas for change from children and young people precipitated by the COVID-19 pandemic.


Growing-up Under Covid-19: Key Messages from the Second Cycle of Participatory Action Research

This report presents messages that young people have identified as key experiences and priority concerns during the pandemic.


Life Under Coronavirus: Children’s Views on their Experiences of their Human Rights

This article describes the process and findings of the ground-breaking CovidUnder19 survey which was co-designed with children, for children.


Children as Researchers: Wild Things and the Dialogic Imagination

Child-led research has arisen in response to changed perspectives on children’s rights and capabilities. However, questions remain about the implications of children participating in ways and for purposes designed by adults.


Children’s Voice in Pre-School Project

At Creative Kids & Co., the most important aspect of our work is children’s participation in decision-making in their own learning.


Youth Voice in School Leavers Programme

The topic was identified by two youth workers, based on interactions with young people facing the transition from second-level education.


Youth Voice in a Climate Justice Plan

In October 2019, Foróige’s Reference Panel identified climate justice as an issue affecting all of society and young people in particular.


Youth Involvement in a LGBTI+ Youth Strategy

Young people’s involvement in implementing the world’s first LGBTI+ youth strategy.


Youth Voice on Living in Special Care

Young people’s involvement in improving the experience of living in Ballydowd Special Care Unit.


A Child’s Experience of Being Listened to by a Vet

How the vet ensured that the child was given Space, Voice, Audience and Influence.


Youth Voice in a Halloween Programme

Young people’s involvement in the development of a Halloween Programme in Lava Javas Youth Café, Limerick City.


A Parent’s Story

A parent’s story about the impact on children of having their voices heard.


Students Voice on a New Uniform

Students’ involvement in deciding on a new uniform in Salerno Secondary School, Co. Galway.


Reimagining Migration Responses – Learning from Children and Young People Who Move in the Horn of Africa

Based on interviews with migrant children this report helps address the evidence gap on children and young people migrating in the Horn of Africa.


ChildLinks Children’s Participation Issue 2 2021

This issue of ChildLinks looks at children’s participation in decision-making and contains articles from DCEDIY and Hub na nÓg.


Children’s Participation in Decision Making From Child Welfare Workers’ Perspectives: A Systematic Review

This article explores child welfare workers’ experiences of children’s participation in decision-making in the child protection system


Children’s Research Digest: Children Should be Seen AND Heard

This article explores children’s rule-following behaviour, as part of an ongoing study underway in the Contextual Behavioural Science lab at UCD.


Participatory Planning Pedagogy – A Children’s Right to the City Initiative

The program and its underlying Participatory Planning Pedagogy (PPP) and curriculum follow a student-led and rights-based approach that builds upon global Child Friendly Cities scholarship.


On Barriers to Accessing Children’s Voices in School Based Research

There are significant challenges for researchers in accessing children’s voices about matters that pertain to them in school settings.


The Rights of Child Human Rights Defenders – Implementation Guide

This Implementation Guide aims to complement the existing commentary and advice on HRDs by articulating the rights of CHRDs and identifying what is distinctive about children’s rights.

Author: Professor Laura Lundy


How’s Your Head – Young Voices during COVID-19

Children and Youth Affairs, working with the Department of Health and the youth sector, collaborated with to undertake an online survey of young people’s experiences of COVID-19


Children’s Capacities and Role in Matters of Great Significance for Them

An Analysis of the Norwegian County Boards’ Decision-making in Cases about Adoption from Care


The Right of Children to Participate in Public Decision-Making Processes

The right of children to participate in decision‑making in all matters that affect their lives is a well‑established legal principle and international research.


Children’s Rights Budgeting and Social Accountability: Children’s Views on its Purposes, Processes and Their Participation

The article identifies some of the barriers to including children in decision making on public spending.


We Are Here: A Child Participation Toolbox

Developed through a partnership between Eurochild and the Learning for Well-being Foundation.

Author: Bird, Hagger-Vaughan, Pinto, O’Toole, Ros-Steinsdottir, Schuurman


Research Series Issue 45: Rural Youth Inclusion, Empowerment, and Participation

This study focuses on participation in decision-making processes and how rural youth could benefit from its findings in development projects


Meaningful Participation and Engagement of Children and Young People

These principles and guidelines have been developed to support Children in Scotland’s organisational practice.

Author: Children in Scotland


Dilemmas and Contradictions in Hearing Children in Care Proceedings

The article is based on interviews with 22 children’s spokespersons in the Norwegian arrangement for indirect participation in care proceedings.


Circle-time, Selfies, Friends, and Food: Researching Children’s Voices in Early Years Settings in the Young Knocknaheeny ABC Programme

Researching Children’s Voices in Early Years Settings in the Young Knocknaheeny ABC Programme.


Tusla Child and Youth Participation Strategy 2019 to 2023

The Child and Youth Participation Strategy is our first participation strategy, spanning the period 2019-2023.


Lessons from Juvenile Clients

This podcast discusses three critiques of legal representation brought forth by young people who are in the child-welfare system.


Supporting Childrens Participation in Decision Making: A Systematic Literature Review Exploring the Effectiveness of Participatory Processes

This article explores how effective processes are in supporting children’s participation in decisions concerning their personal welfare, protection and care.


‘I Want to Share This Video With You Today.’ Children’s Participation Rights in Childhood Research

This paper discusses ethical and methodological considerations of children’s rights-based epistemology.


Mid-Term Review and Phase Two Action Plan of the National Strategy on Children and Young People’s Participation in Decision-Making, 2015-2020

A plan to strengthen the voice of children and young people in their local communities, in formal and informal education settings, in health and social services and in the national context of government decision-making.


Embedding a Children’s Rights Perspective in Policy and Decision-making

This policy memo provides an overview of the extent to which children’s rights are promoted and taken into account in policies and practice. The memo considers policy frameworks at national level as well as those at European Union (EU) level. The memo also discusses ways in which policies and wider initiatives facilitate children’s participation in decisions about their future.


Convention on the Rights of the Child (Child Friendly Version)

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is an important agreement by countries who have promised to protect children’s rights.

report of DCYA consultations


Report of DCYA Consultations with Children and Young People Living in Direct Provision

The Direct Provision system is the means through which the State provides accommodation, food and personal expenses to asylum seekers while their applications for asylum status are being processed.


Child-led Research: From Participating in Research to Leading It

This document brings together the current thinking and practice on human rights based approaches in the education sector. It presents key issues and challenges in rights-based approaches and provides a framework for policy and programme development.


Perils of Perspective: Identifying Adult Confidence in the Child’s Capacity, Autonomy, Power and Agency (CAPA) in Readiness for Voice-inclusive Practice

In recent years, children’s voice initiatives in education have gained increased recognition and application. However, while the concept of child and student ‘voice’ is not new, there remains a high level of inconsistency in how voice-focused initiatives are implemented across education sectors.

national sexual strategy


National Sexual Health Strategy (with the Department of Health)

This National Sexual Health Strategy is Ireland’s first national framework for sexual health and wellbeing.

our heritage your say report


Our Heritage, Your Say: Report on the Consultation with Young People on the Future of Heritage in Ireland

As the Heritage Council formulated its strategic plan for the period 2018-2022, consideration was given to key questions

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National Strategy on Children and Young People’s Participation in Decision-Making

Children and young people have a right to participate in decisions that affect their lives.

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A Study of the Experience of Pupils with Special Education Needs at Post Primary School

This research report on the experiences of young students with special educational needs (SEN), and their parents, of the move from primary to
post primary school.

consultation with young people on skin cancer


Consultations with Young People on Skin Cancer Prevention Behaviours

Just under 13,000 cases of skin cancer are diagnosed annually in Ireland. This is twice the number compared to 10 years ago and is projected to more than double again by 2045


‘Ask Us … This Is Our Country’: Designing Laws and Policies with Aboriginal Children and Young People

Aboriginal children and young people have much to say about governance, law and policy, particularly about matters that are likely to affect their lives.


Engaging Young People as Partners for Change: The Community Project

This article sheds some much-needed light on how participation rights can be made “real” at a local level.


Voice of the Child – Raising the Volume of the Voices of Children and Young People in Care

A special edition of Child Care in Practice on “Raising the Voice of Children and Young People in Care”


Barnardos Glór na nÓg Monitoring and Evaluation Report Key Findings

The report provides details of the monitoring and evaluation of the Barnardos Glór na nÓg project.


First 5 – Report on the National Consultation with Young Children

The purpose of the consultation process is to inform the development of a whole-of Government strategy for babies, young children and their families.


Year of Young People 2018: Co-design Blueprint

This blueprint sets out the ethos and environment young people hope organisations will work to create.

Author: Young Scot, Children in Scotland, Scottish Youth Parliament


First Five – A Whole-of-Government Strategy for Babies, Young Children and their Families 2019-2028

First 5 is a whole-of-Government strategy to improve the lives of babies, young children and their families.


First Five – A Whole-of-Government Strategy for Babies, Young Children and their Families 2019-2028 (Summary)

Summary of the First 5 whole-of-Government strategy to improve the lives of babies, young children and their families.


‘Speak Up’: Participation of Children and Young People in Decisions About their Lives in Tusla Services

This study uses the Lundy Model of Participation to understand what is required if children and young people are to meaningfully participate in decisions made about their lives.

report on consultations with young people


Report on Consultations with Young People Engaged in Garda Youth Diversion Projects

This report details the findings of consultations with young people on Garda Youth Diversion Projects (GYDPs). The key objectives of the consultations were to explore young people’s views and opinions on how


Setting up an Advisory Group for Consultations on the Review of the GYDP

The Advisory Group met five times over the six-month timeframe of the consultation process.


Report on Consultations with Young People Engaged in Garda Youth Diversion Projects

GYDPs are community based, multi-agency, youth crime prevention initiatives.


A Formative Evaluation of Tusla/EPIC Fora

This study focuses on collective participation, which is defined as ‘the goal of improving services for everyone in the same situation’.


Children’s Participation Work Package

This programme seeks to embed prevention and early intervention into the culture and operation of Tusla.


Embedding A Children’s Rights Perspective in Policy and Decision-making

An overview of the extent to which children’s rights are promoted and taken into account in policies and practice.

Consultation report


Report on Consultations With Children and Young People on Cruinniú na nÓg

This report details the outcomes of consultations with children and young people on Cruinniú na nÓg, a new national day of creativity for children and young people, an initiative of the Creative Ireland Programme at the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht


Year of Young People 2018: Co-design Blueprint

When YOYP 2018 was developing, Young Scot, The Scottish Youth Parliament and Children in Scotland worked with young people to establish a ‘Co-design Blueprint’. This sets out the ethos and environment young people hope organisations will work to create when developing their own events and activities for the Year of Young People.


Guidance for Children and Young People’s Services Committees (CYPSC) on Participation by Children and Young People in Decision Making

This document’s purpose is to guide CYPSC to provide a series of practical steps in engaging children and young people in decision-making.


So, How Was School Today? Report of a Survey on How Young People are Taught and How They Learn

Comhairle na nÓg National Executive developed this survey in response to Comhairle members, who identified their top issue as the need for young people to have a stronger say on what happens in the classroom.

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Children Seen and Heard 1916-2016

The Citizen Participation Unit of the Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA), recognised as a leading authority on the practice of participation,1 partnered with Ireland 2016 and the Department of Arts


LGBTI+ National Youth Strategy – Report of the Consultations with Young People in Ireland

This Report represents a big step forward towards delivering the world’s first Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Intersex+ (LGBTI+) National Youth Strategy.


Better Outcomes Brighter Futures Indicator Set

This report presents the set of indicators for children and young people developed for and aligned with Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures.

how was school today


So, How Was School Today? Report of a Survey on How Young People are Taught and How They Learn

Comhairle na nÓg National Executive developed this survey in response to Comhairle members, who identified their top issue as the need for young people to have a stronger say on what happens in the classroom.


Children First – National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children

These guidelines are intended to assist with the identification, notification, investigation, and management of child abuse cases.

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Healthy Lifestyle (Department of Health)

This consultation was one of two consultations with children and young people from all around Ireland on the theme ‘Healthy lifestyles: Have your say’


Children and Young People’s Participation in the Community in Ireland: Experiences and Issues

This paper presents the findings of research into children and young people’s experiences of participating in their communities in Ireland.


Children and Young People’s Participation in Decision-Making within Tusla

This study assess the extent to which the participation of children and young people was embedded in Tusla’s culture and operations.

report of consultations with children in after school care


Report of Consultations With Children on After-school Care

There has been an increasing focus on developing policy in the area of after-school care in Ireland in the past two years.This report provides an overview of the process and findings from these consultations with children.


Comhairle na nÓg Toolkit (Second Edition)

The Comhairle na nÓg Toolkit has been developed by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA) Citizen Participation Unit to support the work of those who organise and run the 31 Comhairlí na nÓg throughout the country


The 7 Golden Rules for Participation

A set of principles that anyone working with children and young people can use.

Author: CYPCS


Report on a Consultation with Children and Young People on Education for Sustainable Development

This report presents findings from what children learn in School to make the world a fairer and better place for everyone.


Child-Led Participation: A Childminders Guide

This guide is to help improve knowledge about child participation and to provide childminders with guidance for good practice.

Author: Scottish Childminding Association

report on a consolation with young children


Report on a Consultation with Children and Young People on Education for Sustainable Development

A key recommendation from the National Strategy on Education for Sustainable Development (2014-2020) states that pupils and students should be consulted on the issue of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in order to inform future policy (Department of Education and Skills, 2014).


Creating Benefit for All – Young People, Engagement and Public Policy

Young people’s participation in the economic, political and cultural life of all Australians is fundamental both now and in the future.

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Healthy Lifestyles – Have your Say ‘A Consultation with Children and Young People

This report outlines the views of children and young people on factors that help and hinder them in having a healthy lifestyle.



The Irish Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Study

This report presents data from HBSC Ireland 2014, the Irish Health Behaviour in School- aged Children survey.

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Consultation on Digital Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Strategy for Schools (with the Department of Education and Skills)

The Digital Strategy for Schools provides a rationale and a Government action plan for integrating ICT into teaching, learning and assessment practices in schools over the next five years.

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Consultation on the person specification for the Ombudsman for Children

This Report forms part of the Commission’s Fourth Programme of Law Reform. It arises against the reality that we live in a truly interconnected digital and online world.


Children and Young People’s Experiences of Participation in Decision-making at Home, in School and in their Communities.

The aim of this study is to explore the extent to which children and young people aged 7-17 and living in contemporary and rural Ireland, are able to participate and influence matters affecting their home, school and community.


Blueprint for the Development of Children and Young People’s Services Committees Draft for Feedback

This Report provides a blueprint for the development of CYPSC operationally and strategically within the broader context of Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures: The National Policy Framework for Children and Young People 2014 – 2020.

GAA youth voice


GAA Youth Consultation Day

The GAA’s National Youth Committee has been given responsibility for an overall programme for Youth Consultation – named #GAAyouth – as the GAA seeks the views of children and young people on the issues that matter to them.


Sense of Place in Children’s Residential Care Homes

The DCYA Citizen Participation Unit and Barnardos formed a partnership in July 2013 to develop a practical guide to support organisations to enable the participation of seldom-heard children and young people.


Comhairle na nÓg Showcase 2014: Making Our Voices Heard

A national event took place in Croke Park, Dublin on the 20th November 2014. With 500 young people and Youth workers from around Ireland (members of Comhairle na nÓg), the Taoiseach, the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs



TACTIC – Teenagers and Children Talking in Care

This Report forms part of the Commission’s Fourth Programme of Law Reform. It arises against the reality that we live in a truly interconnected digital and online world.


Volunteer Group Leaders Guide to National Quality Standards for Volunteer-led Youth Groups

The overall aim of the standards is to help improve the quality of the programmes and activities for young people and the way in which they are provided.

GAA youth voice


Structured Dialogue – Trio Presidency: Ireland-Lithuania-Greece

This report tells you what the Department of Children and Youth Affairs found out in consultations (interviews, meetings, workshops, surveys and events) about how young people who are out of education, work and training can be better included in society.


The Story of the Ombudsman for Children’s Youth Advisory Panel

Resource booklet on how to set up a YAP in order to hear and learn from the views of children and young people.


The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: A Study of Legal Implementation in 12 Countries.

A study on the legal and non-legal measures of implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in 12 countries other than the UK.


Recommendation CM/Rec(2012)2 of the Committee of Ministers on Participation of Children and Young People Under the Age of 18

The Recommendation is aimed at ensuring the effective implementation of binding European and international instruments protecting children’s rights.


Dealing with Bullying in Schools: A Consultation with Children and Young People by the Ombudsman for Children Office

This report highlights the views and ideas of ten groups of children and young people consulted by the OCO between September and December 2011 about schools’ handling of bullying.  


Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on a Communications Procedure

The third optional protocol on a communications procedure is a treaty which establishes an international complaints mechanism for violations of children’s rights contained in the the CRC, the Optional Protocol on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict.


Children and the Law: Medical Treatment

This Report forms part of the Commissions Third Programme of Law Reform and follows the publication in 2009 of a Consultation Paper on Children and the Law: Medical Treatment.

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Listen to Our Voices – Report of Consultations With Children and Young People Living in the Care of the State

During 2010, the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs (OMCYA) conducted a consultation process with children living in the care of the State.


An EU Agenda for the Rights of the Child

The EU Agenda for the rights of the child aims to reinforce the full commitment of the EU, as enshrined in the Treaty of Lisbon and Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU, to promote, protect and fulfil the rights of the child in all relevant EU policies.


Special Edition of The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science on the Child as a Citizen

This volume of the ANNALS considers conceptual, legal, and practical issues related to the realization of children as citizens. Using the CRC as a starting point on the path of achieving functional citizenship for children, the distinguished contributors.


The Role and Mandate of Children’s Ombudspersons in Europe: Safeguarding and Promoting Children’s Rights and Ensuring Children’s Views are Taken Seriously

Given the current trends of reducing the functions and mandates of Ombudspersons for Children institutions across Europe, ENOC carried out in 2010 a survey on the role and scope of competences of ENOC member institutions. 


Guidelines of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on child friendly justice

The guidelines on child-friendly justice and their explanatory memorandum were adopted by the Council of Europe in 2010.


Dublin: Your City/Our City. A Guide Compiled by Separated Children

This publication was produced by the separated children project run by the Ombudsman for Children’s Office. The project involved the participation of 35 separated children living in the Dublin area.


‘All I Have to Say’ – Separated Children in Their Own Words

This publication was produced by the separated children project run by the Ombudsman for Children’s Office.


If They’re Getting Loaded, Why Can’t I?

This National Children’s Consultation represents a rare and diverse attempt to study a large population of young people’s alcohol use, their attitudes to alcohol, and their individual experience of their parent/guardians alcohol use within an Irish context


Developing the Arts in Ireland: Arts Council Strategic Overview 2011-2013

The Arts Council’s strategic approach has a dual focus on supporting artists and arts organisations and on seeking to increase public engagement and participation in the arts.


Listening to Children about Justice: Report of the Council of Europe Consultation with Children on Child-friendly Justice

This report has two main aims: first, it presents the views of children gathered during the Council of Europe’s consultation exercise on child-friendly justice. Second, it reports on the consultation process itself and reflects on what lessons can be learned.


Interviewing the Child Client: Approaches and Techniques for a Successful Interview

This training video provides practical guidance and demonstrations of techniques that can help lawyers work effectively with their child clients.


Life Skills Matter – Not Just Points: A Survey of Implementation of Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) and Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) in Second-level Schools

This study investigates the implementation of Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) and Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) in secondary schools in Ireland.


Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union

The Charter brings together in a single document the fundamental rights protected in the EU. The Charter contains rights and freedoms under six titles: Dignity, Freedoms, Equality, Solidarity, Citizens’ Rights, and Justice.


Physical Places And Social Spaces For Young Children In Hospital

This report explore young children’s perspectives and use of physical and social spaces of the hospital environment.


Everyday Youth Participation? Contrasting Views from Australian Policymakers and Young People

There is a new awareness by policymakers of the effectiveness of integrating young people’s everyday perspectives into participation


Keepin’ it Real: A Resource for Involving Young People in Decision-making

Youth participation is a central feature of successful youth programming and effective policy-making. It is an important part of the development of citizenship and youth development.


Stereotyping of Young People Resource Pack

This research highlighted a widespread stereotyping of young people in a range of arenas. The research concluded that the young people interviewed saw their institutional relationships with adults as for the most part unequal, troubled and rooted in stereotypical ideas about their attributes and abilities.


A Handbook of Children and Young People’s Participation: Perspectives from Theory and Practice

A Handbook of Children and Young People’s Participation brings together key thinkers and practitioners from diverse contexts across the globe to provide an authoritative overview of contemporary theory and practice around children’s participation. 


The Right of the Child to be Heard’ General Comment No. 12

General Comment No. 12 on the right of the child to be heard provides practical guidance for States parties on the full and effective implementation of Article 12. The General Comment presents a legal analysis of the two paragraphs of Article 12.


Teenage Mental Health: What Helps and What Hurts? Report on the Outcome of Consultations with Teenagers on Mental Health

This report discusses the developing policies and services that meet the needs of young people through engaging directly with them.


The Right of Children to be Heard: Children’s Right to have their Views Taken into Account and to Participate in Legal and Administrative Proceedings

The paper addresses the right of children to be heard in any judicial or administrative proceeding affecting them. It introduces the subject based on examples from the laws and practices of 52 countries around the world, shedding further light on a topic.


Taking and Using the Images of Children and Young People in the Arts Sector

Compiled by the Arts Council in collaboration with the arts sector and the Health Service Executive.


Resolution CM/Res(2008)23 on the Youth Policy of the Council of Europe

Regional policy


Young People on Remand

The aim of this study is to examine the services and supports required by young people to promote greater compliance with the conditions of bail and reduce the use of detention on remand.


Youth Courts and Childrens Rights: The Irish Experience

This article highlights the problems faced by the Court and explains why, in addition to the reforms above, it is vital that the Court be overhauled both to address its effectiveness as the central agency in the youth justice system.


Special Edition of The International Journal on Children’s Rights on Children and Young People’s Participation

This special issue arises from a seminar ‘Theorising Children’s Participation’ which brought together UK academics from a range of disciplines, with others who have rich practical and childhood expertise from across the globe.


How Aistear was Developed: A Portraiture Study

The NCCA designed a portraiture study to develop portraits of children’s experiences of early learning and development in a range of settings in Ireland.


Barriers to the Realisation of Childrens Rights in Ireland

This research was commissioned in 2006 by the Ombudsman for Children as a baseline research study concerning children’s rights in Ireland.


Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) is a human rights instrument, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 13th December 2006.


The Childs Right to be Heard in the Healthcare Setting: Perspectives of Children, Parents and Health Professionals

This study presents the experiences of children, parents and health professionals on listening to children in the healthcare setting.


Giving Children a Voice: Investigation of Children’s Experiences of Participation in Consultation and Decision-making in Irish Hospitals

The focus of this research was to investigate sick children’s experiences of participation in consultation


Report of the Ombudsman for Children to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child on the Occasion of the Examination of Ireland’s Second Report to the Committee

In this report, submitted to the Committee in the context of the examination of Ireland’s Second Report to the Committee, I reflect on the advances made since 1998, on new issues and on outstanding concerns.


Recommendation Rec(2006)1 of the Committee of Ministers to Member States on the Role of National Youth Councils in Youth Policy Development

Recommendation adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 11 January 2006 calls on member state governments to recognise and support the work of youth councils in contributing to the development of public youth policy.


Second Level Student Councils in Ireland: A Study of Enablers, Barriers and Supports

This report presents the findings of a study carried out by the Children’s Research Centre on behalf of the Working Group on Student Councils in Second Level Schools, established by the National Children’s Office.


Consultation Document for a Recreation Policy for Young People in Ireland

Public consultation to inform the development of a National Recreation Policy for Children and Young People


Young Voices – Guidelines on How to Involve Children and Young People in Your Work

Guidelines to develop a culture of participation by children and young people.

Author: National Children’s Office, Children’s Rights Alliance, National Youth Council of Ireland


Young People’s Views about Opportunities, Barriers and Supports to Recreation and Leisure

This study was commissioned in the context of policy development in the field of young people’s recreation and leisure.


Recommendation Rec(2004)13 of the Committee of Ministers to Member States on the Participation of Young People in Local and Regional Life

Recommendation adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 17 November 2004. It was adopted to promote and support the implementation of the revised European Charter on Participation of Young People in Local and Regional Life.


READY, STEADY, PLAY! A National Play Policy

The Government, under the National Children’s Strategy, launched in November 2000, included a commitment to develop National Play and Recreation Policies. The Play Policy addresses the needs of younger children.


So You Want to Consult With Children? A Toolkit of Good Practice

Guide to involving children in discussions about issues that affect them.

Author: Save the Children


Council Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003

Commonly known as Brussels II Bis, this regulation aims to standardise the rules relating to the jurisdiction of courts in divorce, legal separation and annulment proceedings and to give priority, in terms of jurisdiction to the court first hearing.


Student Councils: A Voice for Students

The Education Act, 1998 provides for the establishment of student councils, intending them to play an integral and important role in the school community.


Hearing Young Voices: Consulting Children and Young People, including those experiencing Poverty or other forms of Social Exclusion, in relation to Public Policy Development in Ireland.

The aim of the research is the identification and evaluation of models of good practice for consulting children and young people experiencing poverty or other forms of social exclusion in relation to public policy developments affecting them.


Promoting Children Participation in Democratic Decision-making

Since the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) ‘child participation’ has been the subject of an increasing flood of initiatives, ranging from research and publications to conferences and concrete projects.


Our Children – Their Lives: National Children’s Strategy 2000-2010

The Strategy set out a series of objectives to guide children’s policy over a ten year period in Ireland, from 2000-2010.


Empowering Children and Young People: Promoting Involvement in Decision-making

This text aims to help professionals empower children so that they can contribute to the decisions which affect them as individuals and as a group; at unit, local and national levels.


European Convention on the Excerise of Childrens Rights

This Convention aims to promote children’s rights and protect their best interests. It provides procedural measures to allow children to exercise their rights, including the obligation to provide them with relevant information.


European Social Charter

The European Social Charter is a Council of Europe Treaty which guarantees social and economic human rights. It was adopted in 1961 and revised in 1996.
